Willow POV
I woke up to see Smokey and Ocean talking about the fox last night. Well how did you know I was there asked Smokey. I heard your yowl and I smelled a starving fox so I pin pointed you so I could find out where you where and when I saw that the fox was going to kill you I knew I had to stop him Ocean replied. Well thanks said Smokey. If it was not for you I would be dead. Don't mention it Ocean said smiling. Hey you to how about we go get some fresh kill I said. They looked over to me just noticing that I was awake. Sure Smokey said. As we all walked out of the den. Hey Willow! I turned to see Flame bounding towards me. I wonder who's going to the gathering he said. Ya I wonder secretly hoping that me Ocean and Smokey will go to our first gathering together. I already went to one he said and so has Gold and Star and Storm as well. I hope me and my siblings get to go I said. Maybe Flame said. I got to go Raven is calling me. Alright I said. I walked to the fresh kill pile a picked up a rabbit and walked over to sit with my siblings who were talking about who was going to the gathering tonight. I heard a yowl and looked up to see Moonlight on his perch. Today going to the gathering he said, is Wildfire, Crow, Owl, Shard, Gold, Willow, Smokey, Ocean, Snow, Bramble and Honey be ready to leave at dusk. Hey Ocean said causing me and Smokey to look at me and he said how about we go hunting since were free for the day. Sure I said slowly getting up. We headed out of the forest and I smelled mouse instantly I crouched and slowly crept till the mouse was in my vision I jumped and killed it with a swift bite to the neck. I buried it and started looking for more and quickly came over a thrush. I saw that anyway I came so I quietly climbed up a tree till I was standing over it then when it was focused on its meal I jumped down landing down in top of it and swiped a claw on its neck to kill it.
By the time we reached camp I had four mice a dove and two thrushes. Smokey had five mice and a dove and Ocean had two mice and three thrushes with a pigeon. We put our fresh kill on the pile and then choose a mouse, rabbit and dove. Then we sat down under the tree and rested up for the gathering. I saw Moonlight gathering the group for the gathering. So me and my siblings walked over to join Gold, Snow and her siblings. Lets go Moonlight called as he padded out of the barrier and into the forest. As they reached the fallen tree that reaches the island. Moonlight turned to address the clan and said don't mention anything about the battle OK everyone. When he got nods from everyone he turned and jumped onto the tree and ran across and everyone followed. When it was my turn I jumped up ran across and felt the tree tremble under the weight. When I reached the other end I walked up to my brothers who went before me and we went onto the island. When we walked out of the bushes I see a big oak that has four branches one for each of the leaders I thought. and there was a wide space to fit all the tribes as well. I see Moonlight jump up onto the branch along with Bear and two other leaders. That's Petalshower and Skywalker Gold said coming up to them. Before she could talk more they heard Moonlight call out all the tribes gather under the great oak for the gathering. Who shall go first asked Petalshower? I will Bear replied. They nodded at that. We have had good prey and have two new litters this season. Petalshower stepped up and said our prey is running well and the death of our elder Shallow she had served our tribe well. The tribes all bowed their heads in respect. Moonlight stepped forward and said my tribe has plentiful prey and have six new apprentices he said. Willow, Smokey, Ocean, Honey, Bramble and Snow. The tribes called out our names. Willow, Smokey, Ocean, Honey, Bramble, Snow, Willow, Smokey, Ocean, Honey, Bramble, Snow! They called. Bear stepped up and said We have scented warriors from the Air tribe on our territories he called. Many warriors jumped up and yowled their protest, I see Ocean and Smokey bristling and I myself was feeling angered at that. We have done no such thing Moonlight yowled above that protest and he jumped down signaling that the meeting was over and went to gather the group.
By the time we reached camp the moon was out and Moonlight was telling the tribe what happened yowls of anger pierced the night when he told them about the accusion. Quiet he yowled the tribe silenced at that we will figure this out in the morning now we will have a guard out every night we will be ready for an attack now this meeting is over he called and jumped down from his branch and went to his den. We all went into the apprentice den and I layed down next to Flame and my brothers feeling worry at the thought of war before sleep over came my conscience but before I could sleep I hear Flame say I love you Willow and I only could smile.

Howling Wolf
AdventureThree wolf pups were born only to have tragedy happen instantly in their lives. They see many thing through death, pain and sorrow. Will they stay strong or start to break? Find out in Howling Wolf.