Smokey POV
I woke up to see Willow and Flame curled together and Ocean and Gold were across from them and they were nuzzling each other in there sleep. I thought it seems like my siblings already found their true loves. I quietly laughed at the sight. Willow, Star and Storm all were on the dawn patrol with Raven and Wildfire. While Bramble went with Snow and Shard to help them gather herbs before the first snow starts soon. The next gathering will be in a few days and tensions have been rising through out the tribe. I quietly walk out of the den and see Honey eating at the fresh kill pile. She noticed me and motioned me over to join her. I walk over feeling a glow in my chest. She looked at me warmly and asked I'm going hunting later today do you want to join me. Ya I said grabbing a squirrel and laying down next to her. We quickly finished our fresh kill and went for the barrier. Once we were in the forest I asked " I wonder what will happen during the gathering coming up. I just hope it won't end in bloodshed she replied to my question. I definitely don't want bloodshed I said. I crouched down when I heard movement. Whats wrong? Honey asked. It's nothing I said shaking off the feeling that we were being watched. Alright she said shrugging. We walked through the forest and she said What happens if one of your siblings dies what will you do? I turned ridged at the thought of Willow or Ocean in a pool of their of their own blood flashed through my mind. They won't I replied stiffly. But what if they do she pressed. They wont! I snapped. What if your families died before your eyes like mine did. She doubled back at my raged crouching down. I turned around and ran into the forest. I couldn't get the hurt look out of my mind. I quickly reached the beach and I stopped there breathing deep and erratic. I looked out to the ocean for a while till I felt darkness over come me. I open my eyes to see Honey guiding one of the new pups of Flare's new litter. His name was Robin and his fur was red with a patch of brown on his chest and yellow eyes. I see Honey roll out a dark berry with a red leaf and I remember Snow telling us that those were called poison berries and even one could make you extremely sick if you eat it. Go save that pups life a unfamiliar voice said, Honey is angered at you she thinks that you need to feel another death and make you feel pain. Quickly these are the leaves that you need to make the pup eat it will take the poison out.
I jolted awake and see leaves in front of me and thought Honeys near the Fallen Oak and I grabbed the leaves and rushed through the forest. I quickly come up to the fallen oak and I slow down and I see the pup laying still and Honey her eyes glazed over I race up to the pup and put a few leaves in its mouth and made him chew and swallow. Robin woke up and bent his head over and vomited up some of the berry and I said soothingly good good keep doing that little one. When Robin was finished he fell back unconscious, but his breathing was slightly calmer than it was before. I... I'm sorry I turned to see Honey crying I slowly made my way up to her and said what were you thinking. I..I wanted to make you feel pain and anger blinded my judgment she gasped out crying harder and then when I saw what I do.. done I then remembered that you lost your family and knows what it feels like I'm sorry I pushed you Smokey, I truly am. It's alright I said soothing her lets go and we will tell them what happened alright. Honey bowed her head and said I will take any punishment they give me. I nodded that and we both picked up Robin and headed back to camp.
There were gasps of horror at what the tribe saw when we came in to camp. We quickly went to the healers den and layed Robin in a nest. Shard asked what happened. He got poison in his system I said Moonlight needs to hear the story first. He nodded to that and looked at Robin and he said how did you get the poison out. I gave him this leaf I said placing my paw on a pile of the leaves I used. I remembered that Snow told us about how this leaf could get poison out of the system I lied. He nodded and said it's called Yarrow it makes the wolf sick and he or she vomits out the poison. I bowed my head and said we must now go talk to Moonlight I said. Shard nodded and we headed back into the clearing. We walk up to Moonlight who was waiting and I asked may we talk in private with you first. He nodded and said lets talk in my den. Once we were in the den he asked What happened? Honey bowed her head and she said quietly where I had to strain my ears to hear her. Me and Smokey got into an argument and I was blinded by anger. I knew he took a liking to Robin so I thought how about he sees another death I wanted Smokey to feel pain. I am sorry I was not thinking straight I will take any punishment you give me. Moonlight looked taken back and said OK Smokey what's your story. I told Moonlight about the argument. But the next part of my story was part lie. I heard Honey and Robin speaking and I thought why was Robin out of camp I went to check it out and I see a half eaten poison berry and in front of it was Honey I quickly found some yarrow leaves and made Robin chew them and Honey I saw was slightly in shock so I quickly hurried them both back to camp and Honey broke out of her shock and helped me get Robin here. Moonlight nodded and said Honey is what he said is true. She nodded grimly. OK said Moonlight you for the next month are banned from gathering, have to take care of the elders and have maybe been delayed your warrior ceremony. Honey bowed her head again and said as you wish and she left the den. Moonlight I said. Yes he asked I only told half my tale. Oh he said sounding surprised. I heard feel asleep on the beach and I heard a unfamiliar voice showing me what was happening. I struggled to retell my dream. I saw the leaves in front of me like in the dream and raced to where they were and saw what happened. When I finished Moonlight looked thoughtful and said that may have been one of our ancestors talking to you he said, sometimes they come to help others or showing what the future holds. I guess he or she thought that you were the one that needed to help Robin. I nodded and Moonlight said get some rest you had a long day. I nodded and left the den with Moonlight and I went into the apprentice den and fell asleep in moments.
My dreams were filled about Honey and Robin. I saw Honey give Robin the poison berry again but this time I was not there to help and cruel laughter echoed in Honey's voice and said you and your siblings will be mine! I jerked awake to see the others in the apprentice den asleep. I quietly get up and go outside. I sit down and look up at the sky thinking why? why me and my siblings? Smokey! my thoughts were broken and I see Wildfire coming towards me. Why are you not asleep she asked me. Nightmare I said. She nodded and said get back inside soon tomorrow is a hunting assignment for the apprentices. I nodded and she left. I stared up at the moon which was half covered by a cloud and its glow shining down. The stars twinkling merrily like there is nothing to worry about. I thought are the stars our ancestors? I then got up and went back into the den and fell into a dreamless sleep.
Comment and reviews! Hit that star if you liked. Hope you liked it update will be sometime on Feb 23,24,25 Till I see you guys next time

Howling Wolf
AdventureThree wolf pups were born only to have tragedy happen instantly in their lives. They see many thing through death, pain and sorrow. Will they stay strong or start to break? Find out in Howling Wolf.