Ocean POV
I went out the den while the moon was still trying to reach it's peak. He gazed up at the stars thinking on how his father and mother would be watching him and guiding him and his siblings in battle. He thought of them he thought of every ancient warrior from the tribes that might be guiding them. Hey he turned to see Gold walking out of the den. Hey he said softly. I wonder if our ancestors from the tribe are watching this. They might and just be powerless to stop it she suggested. Maybe he said thoughtfully thinking on how all of the apprentices will be in the battle. I don't want anything to happen to you Gold said. Me either he said. I love you Ocean your just so kind I don't know how but your just...Amazing to me most people thought mine and Star's parents were bad luck and so their pups were to you were the first person I never had to prove myself to and I adored you for that. He smiled and turned to her and said your the first person that I met that did'nt question mine and my siblings parents and now I know why you are amazing Gold and I love you to. Then if we survive this battle then what will be do. We live our lives with each other till the day we die he said nuzzling her. She smiled and stood up, Come on lets wake the others up the battle will start soon. Ocean looked up and saw the moon was at it's peak as all his emotions settled and the main on was love.
The patrol walked through the forest and headed for the road. They crouched down waiting for Moonlights orders. Moonlight stood and turned to the group warriors gathered. OK tonight we will hit the heart of Bears territory and will show him what the force he battled he called out there was yowls of agreements to that. But he said do not kill we will not become murderers like he is. Now get ready he said we will go on the road in groups of four. I, Ocean, Gold, Wildfire, and Raven will go last. They all crouched waiting when the first car past the first group containing Oak, Frost, Fire, River and Shadow. The next group went when a fast yellow car past. It consist of Simmer, Lava, Pitch, Bramble, and Willow. The next group followed after the next car past that was green. It held Smokey, Storm, Snow, Honey and Flare. After they crossed it was our turn we crouched waiting and when a bright blue car passed we ran on the hard concrete and made it to the other side. OK said Moonlight lets head towards the camp! They all ran towards the camp and when they reached it Moonlight signaled to a stop. OK he whispered we will go through the back entrance by the dirt place there we will see what he's up to then we will attack. There were murmurs of agreement to that from the apprentices and warriors gathered. Alright he said lets go as he started walking down a steep hill when they reached the barrier and it looked like it was made from ash first then placed the brambles down. Moonlight went through the hole first then they all followed single file and hid in the shadow. They saw the tribe down below listening to Bear we looked different his pelt looked more ragged and his eyes were bloodshot but what caught the attention to their horror is that he was standing on a pile of old bones that were polished to the bone and it looked like there were wolf bones in it as well as mice, doves and many more types. And Bear was standing on it all and they now see more clearly was he had a collar of teeth it had fox teeth, cat teeth and even more terrifying it had dog teeth. OK Moonlight hissed bristling at the sight we are going to attack be careful I think many will try to kill. There were only nods to this. They all tensed waiting on the signal. The raised a paw and slamed it down on the ground and all the apprentices and warriors raced into the clearing and jumped onto the nearest wolf they could find.
He raced into the clearing and saw a black wolf and jumped on his back barreling into him and they rolled on the ground trying to get a good grip on each other when they broke apart he instantly swiped a claw and hit the other wolf in the snout and he howled in pain. He ran into the bushes that were nearby and waited for him to turn away and as soon as he turned away he jumped on his back and bit into his ear. The other wolf howled in pain again and rolled over. He barely got off in time and turned to see the other wolf jumping for him he tried to doge but the other wolf bite his foot and he felt a terrible pain shooting from his back paw but he turned and bit into the paw and he jumped of and retreated. He looked around the battle to see Willow and Smokey battling three other wolfs one with a red fur, another had honey fur, and the last had bark like brown fur. He saw the honey fur one sneeking up on Willow. He let out a yowl and ran at the wolf and barreled into them and the wolf howled in pain as he bit her paw and then scratched her underbelly. She yowled in pain and backd off. I looked over at Moonlightt who was battling and was he saw looked like it was going in slow motion. Bear jumped onto Moonlight his only family he had left instead of his siblings. He felt unimaginalble raged course through his body and he raced at Bear how was going for the kill with a cruel grin and jumped on his back. Knocking him off Moonlight he saw his eyes go wide watching him. He bit on Bears ear and scratched his underbelly and bit his paws but then Bear overpowered him and pinned him down. He closed his eyes awaiting death but all he got was a feeling of the weight pushing off of him. He opened his eyes looking at Bear who was being fought of Moonlight who looked like he had renewed strenghth. When Bear backed off Moonlight yelled. Retreat! Retreat! We done what we have came for. He ran off and the group of aprentices and warriors ran after him.
When they reached camp Shard and Snow ran out of the healers den and started checking the wounded. Moonlight jumped onto the branch with only little difficulty and he called the summonings. Quicker than normal the ones left at camp came out of their dens and looked at Moonlight expectantly. First he said we did beat off Bear and his warriors but they were trying kill. The tribe only shuttered at that. But what we saw was much more. He had a collar of teeth and there was also dog teeth on it. The tribe had looks of horror. But what was most disturbing is that he was on a pile of bones and there was also dog bones in it as well. There was yowls of terror to this. But he said softly I would of died tonight if it was not for Ocean. Everyone looked at him and waiting for him to explain. He stood up proudly and said I just battled off a warrior and saw Moonlight get pinned. There was looks of fear in many of their eyes, But he said I knew if I didn't do it then I would live to regret it because he is the only family me and my siblings had left. He sat back down and saw Moonlight look at him proudly and Gold came over to him and licked his ear affectionately. Thank you Ocean Moonlight said he had pride in his eyes in the battle I saw you save your sister from being hit from behind and you and the other apprentices when the time comes will be excellent warriors. All the apprentices bowed their heads in respect. Now everyone get some rest Flare and Raven you both will guard tonight since the war has now started between us. Everyone departed for their dens and when he layed down in his nest Gold and Willow layed down next to him and sleep fell upon him.

Howling Wolf
AdventureThree wolf pups were born only to have tragedy happen instantly in their lives. They see many thing through death, pain and sorrow. Will they stay strong or start to break? Find out in Howling Wolf.