Smokeys POV
I walked out of the den and saw many warriors swarming around Moonlight trying to find out what will happen if their is a war. Quiet! Moonlight called but it still took several minutes for it to calm the warriors down. Whats happening? I see Gold along with Ocean, Willow, Flame and Storm coming out of the den looking out at the mass group of warriors. There trying to find out what will happen if there is war. So that's all the ruckus is about said Star now coming out of the den. Yes said Ocean all I wonder is what extreme will Bear go to win. I sighed knowing that there will be lots of bloodshed in the war. Hey let's go listen said Willow it looks like they made a conclusion. We walked across the camp ground to go under the high branch. Everyone Moonlight called, we will double the patrols and will have at least two warriors guard at night till the threat of war ends and if it comes to war we will have are apprentices ready to join it if needed. Their were howls on agreement from the warriors gathered. The first patrol will hold Wildfire, Oak, Frost, Smokey and Storm. The following warriors gathered at the barrier and we started heading towards the beach the is where the River tribe territory goes. Hey Smokey, I wonder how the other tribes are doing if they will be brought into the war. Ya I wonder I said and thought will they join us or Bear? Storm, Smokey! You two go set the markers and make sure there fresh said Oak. OK Storm said as we headed over to the boundary. As they did it he asked I wonder who will join us. That what was I was wondering as well I said. Lets get back we don't want them to get the wrong idea. As they headed back up they thought maybe we will be free from the burden of war, but war is only the beginning.
When they got back to camp what they saw was not what they expected in the middle of the clearing was Crow lying in a pool of his own blood he had many scars littering his body and a long cut along his neck that I thought ended his life. Moonlight came out of his den with the senior warriors and he jumped on the high branch and yowled the normal call to alert the tribe. As they came out I see the grief in many of their eyes. We now see how much that this false accuson has costed us and we need to take action immediately tonight after the vigil for Crow we will go attack Bears tribe at his camp for their was pieces of his fur in Crows claws and his scent was over his body. There was yowls on agreement coming from the tribe at his statement. But for now Moonlight said bowing his head let us morn for the death of Crow and think of how his service made a difference in the tribe. The tribe bowed their heads and the ones closest to crow went over to his body and layed down next to it and said their final farewells to him. After many left the clearing to get some rest for the battle Crows family was all that left in the clearing.
When Smokey layed down in his nest he kept thinking at how Bear the one who tried to kill him ended up killing someone he became attached to. He sighed thinking on how Crow always could make a tale into an interesting story and always brought life to the elders den. He kept thinking on these things till the darkness of sleep settled on him.

Howling Wolf
AdventureThree wolf pups were born only to have tragedy happen instantly in their lives. They see many thing through death, pain and sorrow. Will they stay strong or start to break? Find out in Howling Wolf.