Ocean POV
I woke up to see Gold's wonderful dazzling fur in my sight, The sun was shining through the apprentice den walls and shining on her. I slowly get up and I see that Smokey's and Willow's spots are missing and Honey's but I knew she had extra chores. With war and Robin getting poisoned tensions have been pretty high. I walk out of the den seeing our mentors talking to each other. Smokey and Willow were by the fresh kill pile. I walk over to them, hey guys I said happily. Hey Willow said. What are you guys talking about? Today we have a hunting assignment with Gold, Star, Flame, Storm, Bramble and Honey if she can finish all her chores in time Smokey said. I nodded to that and grabbed a small rabbit and sat next to them. Ocean! I turned when Flame called me. You and your siblings go to the apprentice den and wake the others it's time to start your hunting assignments.
We walked through the forest and Honey managed to join us but she still had a lot of work to do. When we reached the middle of a clearing Frost turned to us and said you will all depart from here and try to get as much prey as you can. We will be following you to see your progress without you knowing so do your best, now get started. With that we all rushed in opposite directions into the forest. Once I thought I was far enough I stopped and sniffed the area. Almost instantly I smelled mouse I quickly got into the familiar crouch and stalked in till the mouse came into view. It was so concentrated on its food that it didn't notice me till it was to late and I quickly finished it's life with an easy swipe. I bury it to come back to later and continue through the forest. I quickly duck down when I see a dove in a tree and I slowly stalk up to the back of the tree. When I was close enough to the dove I jumped and it tried to fly but my claw snagged its wing and I finished it's life with a quick bite. Like the mouse I bury it in a fern bush. I suddenly have a feeling I'm being watched but not by my mentor. I quickly shrugged it off and continued to hunt.
By the time I gathered all my pray and got to the middle clearing everyone was there but Storm and Star. We waited and soon the two missing came on separate sides and quickly sat down with there prey in front of them. I see that I got three doves, a pigeon and eight mice along with two rabbits. Willow had one rabbit, two doves and ten mice. Smokey got two doves, three mice and two rabbits. Bramble got three rabbits, three doves, and four mice. Gold and Star both had three mice, two rabbits and three doves. While Flame had five doves and two pigeons along with three mice and Storm has five mice and two doves. Honey had by the looks of her pile had ten mice and five pigeons. We all stared at her in awe even our mentors looked impressed. Well done everyone said Frost looking at all our piles. Lets head back to camp and we all saw that the sun was at it's peak after you drop of your fresh kill she said you are free for the rest of the day. Unless she added Moonlight gives you something to do mainly looking at Honey who bowed her head.
We quickly headed back to camp and deposited out fresh kill on the pile and went to rest for a few minutes. My head shot up with the others when we heard Flare wail where is Crescent she said frantically. Moonlight quickly jumped on his branch and called out. Tribe he paused as if thinking on how he will say this. Crescent has went missing quickly look through camp and if we don't find her here go into the forest. Wolfs quickly looked around. I went into the nursery to make sure Flare didn't miss anything and I went to a corner and then I smelled it. I quickly raced out side and ran up to Moonlight. " Moonlight I said breathlessly Bears...Bears scent was in the nursery along with Crescents. There were yowls of anger to that and horror. Moonlight called for quiet then said everyone will start searching Ocean you and the apprentices along with one warrior and start searching the forest. I nodded at that and quickly rounded the apprentices and asked Oak to come with us. She nodded and we ran into the forest. I quickly found Bears scent mingled with Crescents and followed it. I saw grimly that it went into Bears territory. But I knew we had no choice so I took a deep calming breath and ran into their territory and headed for their camp thinking on how Crescents life could be on the line. I go into the entrance with the others by the dirt place and signal them to be silent as we watch. Bear was on his hill of bones again and Crescent was below him being held down by a warrior I heard of that's named Mist. Mist held onto Crescents struggling form and he said this is to show my power to the Air tribe and he gave Mist a sign and Mist smiled cruelly at Crescents form and he brought his claws up as they glinted in the sunlight. The next thing I knew was that I was barreling into Mist knocking him off Crescent and I quickly picked her up by the scruff and ran for my life. I felt the others on my heels as we ran from the wolfs that were chasing us. Soon we reached the forest and crossed the marker and hid in the bushes. They looked around and soon gave up. I was fully aware of Crescent trembling next to me and Smokey. I looked over and saw that Smokey has crouched down and started whispering comforting words into her ear. She slowly stopped trembling and we headed back to camp.
As soon as we got into camp Flare raced up to us and she couldn't stop thanking us. It's Ocean you should be thanking said Oak solemnly. Me, Smokey and Willow headed to Moonlight and we signaled to go into his den. He nodded and we followed him into the den. What happened he said. We followed the scent inside Bears territory I started to explain. The scent leaded to the camp and we saw that Mist was holding Crescent down and Bear told him to kill her. Then Smokey said Ocean before any of us could react and possibly saving Crescents life jumped onto Mist barreling him over. Moonlight said how did you escape? We ran said Willow then as soon as we got to the boundary we his in bushes and waited for them to give up searching for us. He nodded to that and then he said get some rest and eat tomorrow is the gathering and you along with Bramble, Flame and Gold will also be going. We nodded to that and left the den. We grabbed some fresh kill and went to eat inside the apprentice den then I feel into a dreamless sleep with my siblings next to me.
Hit that Star if you like it and comment and mabye I'll add your ideas in my chapters!

Howling Wolf
AdventureThree wolf pups were born only to have tragedy happen instantly in their lives. They see many thing through death, pain and sorrow. Will they stay strong or start to break? Find out in Howling Wolf.