Oceans POV
I wake up to Willow's paw dabbing me. Come on Ocean it's time for Moonlight's burial she said sadly. I feel the memories of last night come back slowly to my mind. I get up and walk quietly out of the den and sit next to Willow and Smokey the only family I have left.
Raven got up when he saw us sit down and said For Moonlight has been a true warrior and has served his tribe well I will never be able to fill in his paw steps but I will try to keep the tribe as strong as it was before and follow the path of our ancestors.
There was low murmurs to this and slowly ever so slowly the senior warriors of the tribe picked up Moonlight's body up and carried his body through the barrier and to the burial grounds of the tribe. After Moonlight's body was out of sight I got up and went under the tree by the apprentice den and watched as the other apprentices slowly walk over to where I was sitting.
Gold sat next to me along with Smokey and Willow next to him and Flame next to Willow and the rest sat near. Storm and Star sat next to each other talking about what will they do next while Bramble and Honey who was now relieved of her extra chores by Raven talking about how Robin and Crescent will be apprentices soon and they will be warriors.
For the first time he decided to speak up " Hey guys, how about.... How about we go see Robin and Crescent we can teach them some moves cause they will only have so much training before war comes. The others pondered this and then they nodded and they went over to the nursery.
As they came near Robin noticed them and nudged Crescent and they raced over to the group. What are you doing here? came Robins reply. Were here to ask your mother if we can do something with you I said. Then me, Willow and Smokey went up to Flare who was bathing in the faint sunlight.
When we sat next to her she asked what do you want? We want to train Robin and Crescent a few moves because we do not know how much training they will have while this war is happening Willow explained. Flare had a thoughtful look then she nodded and said Please I would love that. Robin and Crescent love watching the you and the other apprentices so I do not see why not. With that we nodded and headed back to the group.
She said we could do it Smokey said. Crescent and Robin both pipped up saying What are we going to do? Gold stepped up and said You to are going to be practicing some fighting moves for when you will become apprentices.
At that the two pups started forward and asked a series of questions like What type of fighting moves and When will we start? At that I laughed grabbing the attention of the pups and the group. I went up to the pups and said get into a crouch and Robin did his with only being a little of balance and Crescent had her paws to far forward.
Crescent I said move your paws back and Robin shift your weight on both legs not only your right. They both did as he asked and he said now attack me and try to barrel me over and when you do with your claws sheathed wipe at me.
The two pups crouched even lower and both shared a glance and jumped onto Ocean pushing him over and with sheathed paws he swatted them. Robin slithered under him and swiped his underbelly while Crescent jumped up and swiped at his forepaws.
He noticed that some of the warriors were watching and he praised the two pups. Well done you would of made Bear run to the hills with that and the group laughed at that and they continued there training with Raven watching them with her eyes watching them training the pups.
It was noon when the training finished and the pups were called by their mother and the group departed leaving me and Gold by ourselves. Hey she stated softly. Hey.
You know that his death wasn't in vain she said in a sad tone. I know but I feel lost without him I murmured. Well you have me she gave me a loving lick on my ear. Come on how about we do some hunting I said getting up. OK and she said teasingly race you to the barrier and dashed off. Hey! No fair and I ran after her.

Howling Wolf
AbenteuerThree wolf pups were born only to have tragedy happen instantly in their lives. They see many thing through death, pain and sorrow. Will they stay strong or start to break? Find out in Howling Wolf.