Moonlight's POV
He saw shock slam into each of there faces. Your are grandfather said Smokey slowly as if in a trance. Yes Moonlight said sadly and because of choices I made I pushed your father away. Frost, Flame he sighed go guard outside don't let now one in. Both nodded and went to the entrance. Please start from the beginning said Ocean. He sighted again but nodded. When your father was born their was peace, everything was calm and peaceful. But when your father got older the want for more terrirory the other started war with other wolves. He asked to go to the worst battle of the war but my fatherly insticts won and told him he had to stay. Well your father went any way with out my permission. I caught him and draged him back to the tribe only to learn he loved a wolf outside the tribe. I has furious and when I said he could'nt he ran away that night and went to her. What was her name asked Willow? Ariel he said. He saw that the three siblings look at eachother again and thought Ocean has her fur why did I not see this. Well I am sorry mabye if I chose diffrently you could have been for the tribe Moonlight bowed his head. We would still like to join in honor of our father. Alright said Moonlight surprised at their quick decison. Lets go give your apprentice names. Since you are able to talk walk and think for yourselves you are ready said Moonlight proudly. The three siblings faces showed their happiness as they were led out the den.
Smokeys POV
He saw Moonlight jump onto the Branch of a big oak tree. That must be where he adresses the tribe he thought. Tribe he howled. With all eyes staring at him he called. Smokey, Ocean and Willow is at the age of apprentiices. For I have spoke with them and they agreed that they want to be in their fathers birth place and become apprentices. All eyes were on him and his siblings now as Moonlight contiued. Do you Ocean choose to follow and learn the tribes code and become a tribe wolf. I do said Ocean his eyes shining with new hope. Willow" Moonlight continued do you choose to stand by and learn our code of the tribe. Like Ocean she said I do. Now Moonlight turned to him.Smokey do you choose to follow and learn our code. Smokey felt peace flow over him as he said I do. Then from this day forward you are now apprentices of the tribe. Frost you have completed your apprenticeship a few moons before and is ready to take on an apprentice, Willow your menter will be Frost. Willow walk to stand by Frost. Flame you have completed three of our tribes warriors. Ocean your mentor will be Flame.Same as Willow Ocean sat next to Flame. Now it was his turn. Oak said Moonlight. You were a good friend of Shades and I think that since Smokey looks most like him you would like to train him. Smokey your mentor shall be Oak. Same as his siblings Smokey turned and walked up to his new mentor and standed next to her. Smokey, Willow, Ocean chanted the tribe. He felt a small since of pride as they chanted their names. Come said Oak lets go to the apprentice den. As they walked across camp he saw a bramble wall of a den. That must be the warror den he thought. Then they came up to a fern den that had a milky scent to it. Definely the nursery. Then finally they came to a thorn like den, This is the apprentice den said Oak make yourself a nest and get a rest your training shall start early in the morning. Yes Oak he said and gathered moss and sticks and made a nest then let the peaceful darkness of sleep come over him.
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Next update might be for awhille. Hope to soon though Loves

Howling Wolf
AdventureThree wolf pups were born only to have tragedy happen instantly in their lives. They see many thing through death, pain and sorrow. Will they stay strong or start to break? Find out in Howling Wolf.