While Oak saw Shade her lost love die before her she felt the same grief but when she look at the pups and the dead fox she knew what he did was right and that he still followed the code of the tribe. Gently she nudged the pups and they looked at her with curious eyes. "What are your names". A pup with black fur like Shades stepped up and said I am Smokey, this is Willow my sister and Ocean my brother. Both nodded at their name. Please follow me said Oak. Why ask the pup that must be Willow. Oak hesitaded but took a breath and said because your father is with your mother now. Y...you mean....he's dead. Again she took a breath and nodded to the siblings. Ocean stumbled and fell with a grief stricken howl. Then Willow leaned on Smokey for support as he nearly fell himself. Please follow me Oak said again. All.....Alright. said Smokey. Whats your name? I am Oak she said while picking up Shades body.
"Oak wait up" said Willow as they siblings raced to catch up. As Oak slowed her pace, she heard a rustling in the bush she tensed ready to spring at any intruder to there territoiry and when she turned she saw WildFire bursting in the bushes blood running down her legs. Oak! she cried but froze then sighed with relief. Oak where were you. I heard fighting while I was hunting and saw Shade on our terrirory fighting a fox from his pups, She gestered to the three pups and Shades body. Sadly she sighed he died with the fox. Alright what happened? Asked Oak confused. Badgers said Wildfire with fear apperent in her eyes. Smokey, Willow, Ocean follow us prepare yourself to see the worst. What about father asked Smokey? Will come back for him that I promise. Come on follow me yowled Wildfire already racing into the bushes. As they raced through the forest she saw the siblings suprisingly keeping up as they raced through the forest.
Sorry this chapter is so short. Been awhile since I wrote a story.

Howling Wolf
AbenteuerThree wolf pups were born only to have tragedy happen instantly in their lives. They see many thing through death, pain and sorrow. Will they stay strong or start to break? Find out in Howling Wolf.