Third Person POV
The Air tribe walked through the forest heading toward the gathering island where the battle will take place. The tribe walked over the tree to the island while their claws glinted in the moon light. Many were watching for ambush while all the others prepared for the worst.
After all the tribe got to the island they all lined up into their positions and waited for Bear and his tribe to come. Many were scared or anxious but most of their emotions were unknown.
Willow's POV
I sat next to Flame and Ocean waiting for Bears army to come. But when he did no of us were prepared for what we saw. His tribes fur was red with blood from wolfs and cats alike. Their mouths were all drawn back in snarls. Their fur was mangled and unwashed for days and their eyes were cold and murderous.
Bear was worst than any of them, his fur was mangled and his mouth was in a snarl like his tribe. His teeth was stained yellow and his fur had more dried blood than any of them as if he killed more than just wolfs and cats. But what caught all their attention was that where his claws was suppose to be was thorns.
When I saw him my claws came out and rage pulsed through me flashes of Moonlights death came back to me as fresh as the day it happened. I barely restrained myself from lunging at him. I felt Flames paw fall on top of mine. I knew it was a warning.
I slowly eased my self into a stance that only the apprentices noticed. They all followed my lead and got ready. Bear walked up to the front of his tribe and crouched low waiting on Raven to make the first move.
Raven slowly got up and we all got up with her. Before I could blink Raven was had jumped onto Bear's back and we all raced into battle. I saw a red furred wolf that was no older than me. I quickly jumped on his back and we rolled around on the ground till we broke apart and he instantly swiped for my neck which I dodged.
I felt a sickening cold feeling and thought " there here to kill" as I doged another swipe. I quickly swiped at him and sent him running after a blow to the underbelly. I look around and see Raven fighting Bear. I look around again and see Smokey, Crescent, Flame, Robin, Gold, Ocean, Storm and Star all fighting a warrior and giving hope to others
. I quickly race over and whisper in Simmers ear keep fighting for you children and all your family and the tribe. After that I raced to cut off a wolf from jumping on Smokey without knowing that Simmer started fighting with renewed strength at what I said.
I jump on the wolf and we tumbled on the ground trying to over power each other till finally we broke apart and I immediately used my special jump and landed on his back and bit his ears as a warning and making him run from the battle.
I heard a scream and I turn and see Flame being pinned by Bear. " If anyone moves he will be killed.
I felt unbelievable rage course through my veins and I slunk into the shadows and hissed at the other apprentices" When I give the signal get Flame out of here, while Smokey, Ocean and I go at Bear. They all nodded and headed into the shadows like me.
I headed through a bush that was right behind Bear and he was smiling cruely at the crowd waiting to see who will step up.
As soon as he turned away fully I strained my hind legs and jumped using all my power and barreled into Bear knocking him off of Flame. All the other apprentices got Flame up while me, Smokey and Ocean stood in front of Bear with our mouths in snarls.
He gazed at us with disbelief and said in a mocking tone" weak apprentices choose to challenge me instead of the leader". I step up and growled deep in my throat and said" I will rip you to shred's Bear for you don't remember us when you killed Moonlight.
At that sentence Bears whole expression changed to murderous rage. He lunged at me but I jumped up high and nimbly dodged and swiped hitting his ear. Then Smokey and Ocean intercepted knocking Bear over.
When Bears swiped they dodged and I jumped onto his back and rolled on the ground. Things then slowed down and Bear pinned me down and he said I have been wanting to kill you for a long time. He raised his claws but before he could do anything I got a paw free at swiped my claws.
They landed their mark on his next cutting it open. He staggered back. He tried to speak but all that came out was gurgling sounds came from his torn throat. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell and layed there unmoving and will never move again his evil reign finished.
I turned and felt Flame barrel into me nearly knocking me over. He licked my ear and said you did it, oh you did it. I licked his ear and said loud for all to hear" No Flame the whole tribe has done it, the apprentices have done it and we've done it.
At that the tribe cheered at my words and I walked over to the apprentices and we sat there talking for a while till Raven yowled for silence.
We all gazed at her and she said" for there has been a bloody battle but we stood brave and tall and took the threats challenge. But if it was not for our apprentices we may have lost this battle. There was howls of agreement to her statement and I hear Simmer call out of the group saying" they told us to keep fighting when we all gave up they all are true warriors!
Raven nodded at us and Smokey licked Crescents ear and said when you become a warrior I will call your name the loudest.
Ocean, Smokey,Gold,Storm,Star,Flame,Honey,Bramble and I all walked up. Raven said" For you nine are the hope of our tribe and I will call upon our ancestors to look at you by a new title for you are now warriors she yowled.
The tribe cheered to her words and Robin and Crescent started calling our names. Willow, Smokey, Ocean,Gold,Star,Storm,Flame,Honey,Bramble,Willow,Smokey,Ocean,Gold,Star,Storm,Flame, Honey,Bramble. I bowed my head in respect and I felt Moonlight's presence near me and he whispered in my ear for you three are true wolves so howl. I pick my head up and Ocean, Smokey and I howl up while the moon shines on our coats. Soon the tribe join us and we all were the howling wolves that night
Hit that star if you enjoyed. Thank you for reading this book the sequel called Rising Chaos is coming up on March 15 hope you enjoyed this book see you during the sequel

Howling Wolf
AdventureThree wolf pups were born only to have tragedy happen instantly in their lives. They see many thing through death, pain and sorrow. Will they stay strong or start to break? Find out in Howling Wolf.