Smokey's POV
I walk out of the apprentice den to see the snow still on the ground and falling from the trees. I see Willow and Flame with there white color streaked coats standing out slightly in the snow. I walk over " Hey you two". Hey Willow said happily.
Me,Willow and Flame talked about battle training yesterday,Robin and Crescent and a little bit about the war. I feel a pang of sorrow again as I think of Moonlight and how he led us through battle till his final one happened two days ago.
I think about how instead of him naming us as warriors Raven will do it instead. Hey! My thoughts were quickly broken when Gold and the other apprentices including Robin and Crescent came to the fresh kill pile were we sat. We all grabbed a piece of fresh kill talking about how we were going hunting today and about how another battle might be coming up. Soon enough we finished all our fresh kill and went to the barrier and into the forest.
We walked through the forest till we reached the fallen tree and I said this is where we separate and who ever gets the most fresh kill will get to choose who to battle next at the tunnel along with one extra piece of fresh kill from an apprentice that they choose.
After I said those things we all dashed off in different directions. I ran to where we had out last hunting assightment and near the middle of the forest where there is prey. But with the snow we all knew this would be easier said then done.
With my black fur it would be harder to not be seen so I quickly made an idea. I would climb the trees to not be seen by my prey and I could easily pounce on a mouse, rabbit or find what ever is out here. I use my hind legs to jump onto the first branch and continue my hunting from there.
By the time I reached the beach I had caught two mice and a dove. I was now in search for a rabbit these were very hard to catch during winter and not often seen. I bury my other fresh kill to preserve it while I'm in search for a rabbit. I quickly pick up a scent and I see a fluffy white tail popping out of the snow. I crouch slowly very slowly I stalk up to the rabbit.
By the time it saw my shadow over it's body, I had already swiped my claw at it's throat and I carried it back and grabbed the rest of my fresh kill and contiued to hunt trying to find every animal I can to give food to the tribe. When we become warriors Fire will go into the nursery since she is expecting pups. So that makes a chance that we will become warriors soon I thought.
Soon the sun was at it's peak and the snow was slowly melting and I caught a few more mice and doves. I walked thorugh the forest heading toward the fallen oak since that's where we were meeting up. By the time I got there everyone else was there and had their fresh kill in front of them.
He sat down and observed their piles. Ocean had a dove and four mice. Willow and Flame both had five mice and a dove. Star had two pigeons and a dove while Storm had four mice and two doves. Honey, Robin and Cresent all had three doves, two mice and a pigeon. I had three doves, four mice and a rabbit.
Wow! Willow said eyeing my pile. You sure got lucky! Thanks I said feeling a little embarassed. That is a big pile Ocean said observing it and he contiued you also caught a rabbit. I flicked my ear embaressed at all the attention that I was getting but I said well I guess I was lucky and now I contiued teasingly I get to choose who to battle and an extra piece of fresh kill. At that Cresent and Willow tackled him leaving him laughing with the others. Ok I said I get it! I get it!
After they finally let me up we picked up our fresh kill and headed back to camp. Once we got there we put our fresh kill on the pile and I picked up one extra piece of fresh kill and headed over to the favored spot to the apprentices.
Cresent sat next to me while Flame sat next to Willow and Gold sat next to Ocean. We all enjoyed our fresh kill and I shared my extra piece with Cresent. Once we finished we decided to practice some moves in front of the apprentice den. First me and Willow were going against each other.
I made my stance into one that she has never seen. Where my paws were tucked low along with my back paws and when she raced up to ram me first I darted beside her and swiped my paw on her flank. When I turned she raced up and jumped up with her special jump. I tried to get away but she managed to land on my back and we rolled around and managed to get attention of the camp. After a huge struggle I managed to pin her down with one paw on her belly and the other on her shoulder.
I quickly let her up and I see Raven watching our group with intrest in her eyes. After me and Willow sit down Ocean and Flame went up. Flame stance was where his front paws were down underneith him with his back paws ready to spring. I reconize that it comes from one of our hunting techneiques. Ocean's stance was where his back paws were out some and his front paws were coming in like he was about to run straight foward.
Gold gave the signal and true to my predictions Ocean ran foward while Flame jumped up. Unexpectedly Ocean turned nimbly and used his front paws to jab Flames underbelly and slithered under him. Flame caught by surprise had to slide back to avoid another attack then ran up and jumped on top of Ocean finally over powering him.
After they went next was Gold and Storm. Storm got into the same postion as Flame while Gold did the postion as Ocean did. Soon the raced up and their paws clashed. The rolled around on the ground till Gold thrown Storm off her and she raced up and managed to pin him while he was stunned.
We all stopped when Raven walked up and she said" Well done these are some of the finest moves I have seen any apprentices do in a long tilme. Her eyes were showing pride and approval. We all nodded and she said get some food and rest tommorow we will meet Bear's tribe and finish this war by the death of either me or Bear. The whole tribe murrmured sad things of approval at her.
After that she walked into her new den and dissapered from view. After she left me and the other apprentices went over to the fresh kill pile and we shared our food. Soon I walked over and nudged Cresent and asked may you please follow me. Of course she exclaimed. We walked over to the other side of the apprentice den and I said using all my feeling in my words.
Cresent you are beautiful in many ways and not many appreciate that and I...I love.. I love you I finally said. I was not expecting anything but I got barrled over and Cresent said in my ear I love you to Smokey, Oh I love you to.
After a few more minutes got up and went into the appretice den. We layed down and curled up next to each other and I fell asleep with her heart beating to mine.
Hit that star if you liked it and the next update will be March 14

Howling Wolf
AventuraThree wolf pups were born only to have tragedy happen instantly in their lives. They see many thing through death, pain and sorrow. Will they stay strong or start to break? Find out in Howling Wolf.