Smokey POV
I saw Ocean go to the tree by the apprentice den with a rabbit in his jaw. When I saw his catch from hunting today and the pride shining in Fire's eyes I felt a stab of jealousy in my chest. I see Gold sit next to him and I thought how is she not jealous at him like me and Willow? Hey Smokey! I turned to see my sister coming up to me. Yes I said feeling curious at why she was calling me. Enthusiasm was in her eyes as she made her way towards me. You saw how much Ocean caught today right she asked. Yes why I said as that jab of jealousy hit me again. Our mentors told us since we already had our hunting practice we could go hunting. I told our mentors that we were going hunting. How about we try to catch more than Ocean so we will be the star apprentices she said. Yes I said as I thought about how Ocean always gets the glory. Then lets go she said happily as she raced to the barrier. Wait up I called as I chased to catch up to her. We slowed once we were in the forest, So where should we go hunt I asked. Frost said one of the best places to hunt was by the owl tree in the middle of the forest she said. Then lets go I said racing ahead of her. Hey she said slow down! When we reached the owl tree we stopped and sniffed the area. Soon enough I smell a mouse and I got into the familiar crouch and I creep up slowly till I saw the mouse and pounced finishing its life quickly. I layed it down quietly when I smelled a dove. I got into a crouch when I see it was pecking into a seed. I creep up to it like I did the mouse and I jumped on it and ended it's life with a quick swipe. I picked it up with the mouse and covered them with leaves so I could come back for it later. I walked around till I see a mouse and slowly walked up to it, but before I could walk up to it I hear snarling and a familiar stench reach my nose. I whipped around to see a fox walking up behind me. It jumped at me and I let out a yowl of fear and started running. Willow saw me and the fox and I see her eyes widen in fear then she started to run to camp. Keep running she yowled to me i'll get help. With that she vanished from my sight. I weaved between trees trying to throw it off but I could'nt. It grabbed my back leg and I yowled in fear. Suddenly I hear someone say I won't let you hurt my brother! The grip on my leg disappeared and I see Ocean fighting the fox the best he could. Suddenly the fox thrown my brother into a tree and tried to go for the kill. But I see a patrol holding Moonlight, Willow, Wildfire, Frost and Oak block the fox from Ocean. As they fought the fox me and Willow ran up to Ocean. Why did you do it I asked fear for my brother growing. He slowly got up and replied I could not let the last of my family die. Even if you have bad feelings to me. I didn't mean to hurt you I said pain flaring in my chest. Ya me either said Willow. I know Ocean said and I hold nothing against you. He walked over to us and nudged me and said come on the patrol fought off the fox lets go to camp. With that we walked over to the patrol and went to camp.
When we reached camp Moonlight jumped onto his branch and yowled All the tribe come beneath the branch for a meeting. Slowly all the tribe came out and when they did Moonlight said. A fox tried to kill Smokey today. That made the tribe gasp and look at me. I spoke up feeling to tell them the truth. Willow ran for help why I ran from the fox. The fox grabbed my leg and was going for the kill when Ocean stopped the fox and he was slammed into the tree when the patrol came and helped us. If it was not for Ocean I would be dead and I thank him for my life. I went over to my brother and licked his ear in thanks. The clan cheered for Ocean and the bitter emotions that were in my chest disappeared and I finally understood that Ocean worked for everything he got. You three get some rest your training will start at sun high tomorrow Moonlight said before he jumped off the branch signaling for the meeting to end. Willow nudged me and Ocean and said lets gets some rest like Moonlight said. We both nodded to that and went into the apprentice den to sleep. They both slept next to me and I felt the peace of sleep overcome me.

Howling Wolf
AventureThree wolf pups were born only to have tragedy happen instantly in their lives. They see many thing through death, pain and sorrow. Will they stay strong or start to break? Find out in Howling Wolf.