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Waking up today was exciting. Not only did I wake up hours before Niall, but today was our 1 year anniversary of us officially dating.

February 3rd 2018.

The past anniversaries I've had whether they were for being with someone for a year, two years, or three years, they weren't that special to me.

Each year I had an anniversary with my ex, it was a realization that I had been with someone for another year.

Another year of someone mentally and emotionally abusing me.

But this anniversary was different. 

Very different.

Today we were celebrating a year of being together.

And actually being happy about it.

Despite the small fights we have, our relationship has been very happy and healthy the entire time.

"Bub, wake up," I said as I jumped on the bed next to him.

"How much coffee have you had? You're too energetic," He asked as he opened his eyes.

"Too much," I smiled. "Wake up, it's time to party,"

"It's time to sleep," he said closing his eyes again.

I climbed on top of him and began running my hands through his hair.

"I have something planned for us in half an hour, wake up,"

"What are we doing?" He asked running his hands over his face to try to get rid of the sleepy state he was in.

"We're going for a hike," I told him. "We did that towards the very beginning of our relationship so we're doing one today," I explained climbing off of him.

"It's too early," he groaned.

"It's almost 9. If we go there now, there won't be as many people there," I said to him heading to the closet to change.

I put on some black leggings and one of Niall's shirts that I liked a lot. I put on a pair of my black sneakers and left the closet to find Niall sitting up in bed.

"He woke up!" I cheered.

"Very funny," he smiled leaving the bed.

"Don't bother getting fully ready," 

I left our room, heading into the living room. 

I put on my shoes, grabbed my car keys and left to go wait in the car for Niall to be ready. I started the car to begin playing music. I chose to play Nialls album to make him in a better mood when he gets into the car.

I had been waiting for almost 5 minutes when Niall finally came out of the house. He got into the passenger seat and instantly smiled when he heard what had been playing through the speakers. 

"This is what you choose to play? Out of all the music you could, this is what you chose?" he asked.

"This is always the number one choice," I grinned as This Town came to an end.

"I bet you are at least half of my album streams," he stated as I pulled out of the driveway.

"I better be," I smiled as he laughed.

I began driving in the direction of a Startbucks because of how early it was. We both needed coffee in the morning to wake ourselves up. I may have already had some coffee, but a second cup can't hurt, right?

Put A Little Love On Me ~N.H~ *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now