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July 16th, 2018


"Baby, I know that you don't want to get up, but we need to leave soon," I said to a sleepy Aliyah.

I got no verbal answer from her, but what I did get was her shifting her body away from me. All I could do is laugh at her actions.

"Usually it's you that had to wake me up when we travel, but I guess it's the other way around this time," I smiled. "We have to go,"

"No," she mumbled into the pillow.

"If you want to be able to take a shower and get fully ready before we leave, then you're going to need to get out of bed," I said to her.

"Let me sleep," she groaned trying to get away from me.

Instead of me trying to keep waking her up and getting her out of bed, I did the next best thing. I took the blanket that covered her body and removed it from her which left her cold.

"Give it back," she said trying to reach for the blanket that was long gone.

"You said you would join this part of my tour, so I'm just trying to help you stick to what you said," I said climbing on the bed next to her.

"I changed my mind,"

We flew back home a few days ago to pack the things we would need for my tour. It was hard to leave her parent's house and come back to reality, but we would be back there soon enough for when there was a show in their city. Today was the day we were leaving to go to Texas for the first few shows.

"You didn't, I know you," I said as I began playing with her hair. "I'm going to start bringing our suitcases to the living room. When I come back and you're still sleeping, then I'm leaving without you," I warned before leaving our room with some of our stuff.

I placed most of it by the door and began walking back to our room. I was stopped in my tracks by Mully.

"Today is the day?" He asked. "You two are leaving for a few months?"

"You excited to finally have to house to yourself again?" I laughed.

"Very much so," he grinned. "My girlfriend can finally come over and I won't have to be nervous about Aliyah's reaction,"

"You still haven't told her yet?" I asked.

"Is it bad that I'm scared to?"

Mully had been dating the girl that he hinted at a while ago. Apparently, he still hasn't told Aliyah about her, which would end up making her mad once she finds out that I've known.

"Tell her when you're ready to. Just don't bring up that I have known. I don't want her mad at me as well," I said before going back to the bedroom.

The first thing that I noticed was that Aliyah wasn't in bed anymore. The next thing I realized was that she was finally in the shower and getting ready.

I ended up making the bed and grabbing the rest of our things and bringing them to the front door along with our other things. I waited patiently for her to be ready.

I looked around the house to make sure that we don't forget anything we may need. As I was grabbing the last few things, I heard Aliyah finally coming out of our room.

"She lived another day!" I teased.

"I will get right back in my pajamas and go back to bed," she warned.

"But you're already awake," I pointed out. "You look cute," I complimented as I hugged her.

She may have only been wearing some leggings and one of my t-shirts, but she still managed to look really good. She always did when she didn't try as hard to look good.

Put A Little Love On Me ~N.H~ *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now