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Apparently, when I go to the studio to record some things, that's when Aliyah decides to come over and prank me. Just when I thought she couldn't do anything worse than hiding my guitar, she steps it up a does this.

When I came home, I took a shower and got into some comfortable clothes, and lounged around watching a movie in the living room with Mully. I could tell something was off because he was acting really weird. I asked him a handful of times what was up with him, but he kept on saying that nothing was wrong and that he was fine.

I believed him until I went outside and saw had been done. It looked like someone had spray-painted the outside of my house. Before I started freaking out, I had to know something about what had happened.

"You knew about this right? That's why you've been acting weird?" I asked Mully when I came back inside.

"Knew about what?" he asked acting confused.

"The spray paint outside," 

"What do you mean the spray paint outside?" he asked getting off the couch and going outside.

"Please tell me you knew about this so the police don't need to get involved," I said getting frustrated.

I looked at him and he had the smallest smile on his face.

"You knew, right?" 

"I can't say," he crossed his arms while still smiling.

"So it was Aliyah?"

"Can't say," 

"I already know it was her, it's obvious now, but is it actual spray paint?" 

"You figure it out," he said and left to go back inside the house.

How am I supposed to figure out if this is actual spray paint? If she actually did this to my house, she is going to pay for it. The fact that my house might be permanently spray-painted with her designs and her name make me so mad. 

I ran my finger along the side of my house and saw that there was now bright pink on my finger. Spray paint doesn't come off like this. Unless she recently did this. But it still doesn't make sense as to why my finger isn't wet at all. 

I ran my finger across the bright color again and now my finger was bright orange. So I guess this stuff did come off. I went back inside and Mully was still smiling.

"Thanks for letting me know that it was spray paint," 

"I am not apart of this whole prank thing, so you're on your own," he shrugged.

"Well, now I'm gonna spend the next however long this is gonna take to try and get this stuff off the house," 

"You have fun with that," he smiled.

"I won't," I said as I got a bucket of water and a washcloth before heading back outside.


After half an hour of scrubbing the siding on the house, all of the bright colors were now gone. Now, I need to figure out a new prank to get her back. First, I had to text Aliyah to let her know something is coming for her.

'Nice job, I'll give you that. Just you wait to see what I have planned. You're really gonna regret doing this.' ~Nialler

I went back inside to find Mully in that same spot he was in before I went outside. "What can do I to her?"

"I already told you that I'm not apart of this," 

"I just need ideas, I'm sure Aliyah has Michael helping her with ideas, I don't think she could have thought of this on her own," 

Put A Little Love On Me ~N.H~ *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now