Bonus Chapter 4 - Wedding Party

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"I'm already so stressed out about this and it hasn't really begun yet," I heavily sighed as I kept rushing around the house frantically.

"Once people are here it will be just fine," Niall said as he hugged me close.

It was January 4th of the new year. It was insane to me that it was already 2020. It feels like we shouldn't be in the new year quite yet. Last year went by way too fast. It makes sense because our last year was very hectic. From finding out we were having a surprise baby, getting married on a whim, and then actually having Aven, it was quite busy.

But now here we are, in the new year whether we were ready for it or not.

Do you remember that wedding party that was mentioned months ago? That's what was happening today.

We knew that we wanted to have some kind of party with the people that weren't able to be at our actual wedding. What we didn't know was how much we had to do for it. It was just a lot for us to take on with having an almost 4-month-old baby on our hands.

That is something that is quite shocking to me.

Aven is almost 4 months old already. It felt like yesterday that I actually had her. But yet, it was a while ago. She's had her first Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year. She was growing up way too fast for us to handle.

We didn't really plan anything quite extravagant because we didn't want anything we couldn't handle. This was like a last-minute thing for us as well. We knew that this was going to happen around Christmas time and it felt like today was a good day to do so. Our families were only going to be in town for a little while longer, so it had to happen within the next couple of days so that they could be here for it.

"There is just so much to do still,"

"Everything will work out just fine, calm down and take a breather," Niall said.

"How do you know everything will be fine?" I asked, looking up at him.

"We're having our friends and family over, they won't care what the house looks like. They know we have a baby and our life is hectic, they will understand," he reassured.

"Promise?" I asked.

"I promise," he nodded. "Should we put Aven down so she's rested enough for when people start showing up?"

"Do you mind doing that? I have some other things I still need to get ready before people are here,"

"You're making yourself go crazy," he said, taking Aven from my arms. "Everything will be just fine,"


There were people everywhere.

Most of our friends had shown up almost an hour ago. We were still waiting on Harry and Mully and his girlfriend to get here. We were quite surprised that Mully wasn't one of the first ones here because he used to live here, but I guess he didn't want to be here extra early.

Aven was still asleep as well. She has never slept this long before, but I guess today was special for her. Usually, she sleeps for almost 2 hours, but it's going on 3 hours. I guess she was more tired than we thought.

"Why isn't Mully here yet? I thought he would be one of the first ones here," I asked Niall.

"He had to wait for Jordan to get off of work, they'll be here soon,"

"I'm gonna go wake up Aven. I can't let her sleep all afternoon if we want her sleeping through the night," I said before I left the kitchen.

I walked down the hallway and quietly opened the door to Avens nursery. I saw her lift her small head up and try her best to look over at me. I walked over to her crib and smiled down at her. I turned off her small noise machine before I picked her up.

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