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"Did you help Niall hide my shoes?" I asked Michael when I came into the living room holding both pairs of my missing shoes.

"No, why?"

"I found my shoes in behind one of your nightstands and you're telling me that you had nothing to do with this?"

"He only told me that he was putting them in my room and that's it. He told me not to tell you or give you any hints," he said back to me.

I quickly texted Niall so he knew that my long lost shoes that he has nothing to do about were finally found

'I found my shoes, you just wait.' ~Aliyah

"Well, now I need to think of something that I can do to him," I sighed sitting down next to him as I put my phone in my pocket. "Have any ideas?"

"There is this spray on chalk that you could put on his house," he suggested. "You spray it on and wipes right off like it wasn't ever there," 

"How do you know about this stuff?" I asked him suddenly getting nervous.

"My friends showed me this stuff, they liked to spray this stuff on peoples cars at school,"

"And you didn't get in trouble for doing that?" I asked shocked that he has done that.

"I mean, I got detention once for it, but that's it," he shrugged.

"Anyway, where can I get this stuff?" I asked changing the subject.

"I'm sure Target has it or maybe Amazon," 

"We don't have time for Amazon, we're going to the store now to get some, let's go," I said rushing to get all of my stuff together.

"I have to go?" he asked me.

"Of course you do, you know what this stuff looks like, I don't," I said as I put my shoes on.

"Let me get my stuff then," he said walking into his room.

I grabbed my phone and wallet off the kitchen counter and grabbed my keys off the hook as I waited for him to be ready.

"Ok, let's go, I guess," he said when he came back into the living room. 


Michael and I had just gotten back from the store to get spray on chalk. I'm still not even sure how this stuff works. I hope that when I put this on the outside of his house, it washes off or he is going to be so mad at me and we can't have that.

"Are you sure this will wash off?" I asked getting skeptical.

"Yes, I'm sure," he answered. "You spray it on, you let it dry, and then it will come off," he explained.

"Are you coming with to do this?" 

"I am not apart of this, so no," he smiled.

"It would go by quicker if you came and helped me," I pleaded.

"If I join in now, then he will start doing stuff to me, so I am staying out of it," he put his hands up in surrender.

"Will you at least help me come up with ideas for future pranks?" 

"I'll help with ideas, but I am not participating in any of them whatsoever," 

"Ok, that's fine," I said getting everything I need together in one spot. "Find some good ideas, I have to win this prank war," I smiled.

"I'll get right on that," 

I pulled out my phone and called Mully before I had to leave.

'Is Niall home?'

Put A Little Love On Me ~N.H~ *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now