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• KAI + EL •

it's been a week since the sports day and from that day on, the party won't stop teasing mike and el.

they keep sending them the pictures of them on the sports day and well, it has made them a bit awkward around each other.

"uh, are you doing anything now?" mike asks el, scratching the back of his head awkwardly as she shrugs.

"oh um, no. why?" she asks, shutting her locker quietly and looks up at him with a smile.

"i just thought we can start on the upcoming project. i mean we know what's it on and that we have to work together again so we can start on some ideas?" he suggests, "you don't have to if you don't want to since it's not due yet anyways."

"no, it's okay. we can start today but you'll have to drive me since i walked to school." she chuckles as he nods, walking alongside her.

"freaks." troy laughs, walking past them.

el sighs, closing her eyes sadly.

"don't listen to him. he's an asshole." mike reminds her as she nods.

"it just hurts." she shrugs, walking out of the school.

"i'm sorry." he says as they get into his car.

"don't be. it's my life." she lets out a sad smile and buckles her seatbelt.

"it shouldn't be though." he says.

she shrugs, "meh, whatever."

they soon arrive at the cabin and el walks in as quick as possible, closing her room door as usual.

"what do you even hide in there?" mike chuckles as she shrugs.

"stuff. not important stuff.." she mumbles, walking to the table and taking out her stuff.

"okay..." he trails off, "you know, you really are a mystery, i like it." he smiles softly.

"you do?" she asks as he nods.

"yeah. you're different." he smiles widely as she blushes a bit.

"good different?" she asks quietly.

"good different. definitely good different." he grins at her.


"wanna go on a walk?" mike asks.

el nods, closing her stuff, "just let me write a note to hop, just in case he comes back early." she says, writing down a small note and adding some hearts besides it.

"we can go now." she smiles up at him as he nods.

they walk out of the small cabin and began walking, "wait no, this way." she says, dragging him into the woods.

"where are we going?" he asks her.

"you'll see!" she giggles and holds onto his hand tighter and sways them.

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