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september 14th

el sighs quietly, looking at herself in the mirror. she had her favourite ditsy purple floral dress on that was the last gift kai bought for her before he died.

she wore this every year on this day. she would also wear the whole flower ring, necklace and bracelet set along with it.

though she already wears the bracelet everyday she likes to keep the ring and necklace at home just in case it breaks or gets lost.

to finish everything off she puts their matching hair clip that they had since they had since they were kids in her hair and made her way out of the bathroom.

she picks up his old knifes, picking out two of her favourites and strapping them to herself like usual.

she puts on a pair of sneakers and then grabs her bag before heading out of her room.

"morning, kid. how are you feeling?" hopper asks.

"fine. i'm heading to the rink then to the woods as usual. can i have some money for flowers?" she asks quietly.

"sure kid. how much?" he asks.

"$100." she mumbles, drinking her water.

"$100!?" he exclaims.

"i want to get the best roses and violets for him." she whispers, eating her breakfast.

"okay, kid. i'll give you the money later." he says as she nods.

"thanks dad."


"el, you've been real quiet today, are you okay?" max asks, "you didn't even laugh when mr scotts fell in the halls."

"i'm fine. it's just.. a hard day for me that's all." she forces a smiles as they nod, even though they had no idea what's wrong.

she notices their confused expressions, "uh, it's been 4 years since my brother, you know um... died."

"oh, i'm sorry. you can talk to us if you need to." will says softly.

"yeah, you could totally talk to us. we'll listen." mike nods in agreement.

el smiles lightly, "thanks but i-i never really talk about it." she looks down.

"that's fine. h-have you um, had any- what do you call them?" max asks.

throughout the past 2 weeks, the party have grown to notice the trauma el has to go through. she had several panic attacks and episodes here and there and they were all there for her.

they still don't necessarily knows what's happening and why she has them but they know how to to support her.

"visions. i had a small one this morning but i'm okay for now." she tells them.

"in art? but you-"

"no, no. i-i was okay. i'm fine guys, i'm actually better this year. i'll just... have to make it through last period and i can go to the rink which will hopefully make me feel better." she sniffles, "um, i'm going to go get some food in the vending machine, you guys want anything?"

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