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"jane, come on. look, i just brought maddie home, she kept crying since she missed you. can't you just forgive me? i missed you too!" kai pounds on the front door.

"what in the world are you doing? you're going to break her door." mike says as he turns around.

"what are you doing?" kai asks.

"el didn't want to hang."

"and so what are you doing?"

"asking if she wants to study. it's different but considering how loud you're banging on her door and she's still not answering, probably means she won't answer me." mike says with a small frown.

"she's just mad at me. she's not bad at you, give it a try." kai states, moving aside.

mike walks up to the door, "el?" he knocks softly, "you in there?"

no response.

"maybe she's out in the woods, she normally goes there for her own alone time." mike suggests, "but we probably shouldn't go, if she's there, she just wants to be alone."

kai rolls his eyes, "we're going, show me the spot."

"you don't know?" mike asks as they start walking.

"how would i?" kai scoffs quietly.

"i don't know... you're her brother."

"to her, i'm the brother who left her. she won't show me such things yet, i know her."

"why'd you hurt her? i-if you loved her, why?"

"i needed to get revenge. i needed my own empire and if jane- el, was there, she would get hurt." kai explains, taking out a cigarette.

"she still got hurt. you make her sad."

"no shit sherlock."

"i'm just saying! you didn't see her yesterday, she was so broken." mike whispers, "she looked so fragile, like she was about to break any moment-"

"jane." kai cuts him off.

"yeah that's who i'm talking about-"

"no! look!" kai shoves his arm as mike looks up ahead, "holy shit!"

"el!" kai runs over to her.

"holy shit, el." mike follows after him.

mike kneels down on the ground quickly, pulling el's body closer to him and then placing her on his lap.

"she's still awake, she's loosing conscious though." kai mutters.

"mama?" she whispers before her eyes fully close.

"no, el!" mike shouts, staring to shake her awake but it didn't work, "give me your jacket." he turns to kai.

kai nods, giving him the jacket. mike then ties the sleeves of the jackets around both of el's wrists in attempt to stop the blood. it wasn't doing much but it was doing something.

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