Chapter 6

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I wake up to banging on my door.

"Just a second!" I yell.

"Hurry! I'm hungry!" I hear a familiar Irish accent yell back. I run around my room trying to brush my hair and put on my shoes at the same time. When I'm ready I open the door and see Niall, Liam and Harry standing in front of me.

"Top of the mornin' to ya" Niall says with a wink, he looks at Harry and nudges him with his elbow.

"Get it, cause I'm Irish" he says and makes a weird laugh. I smile and walk out of my room.

"Where's Zayn and Louis?" I asked.

"Zayn went to wake Louis up and said he would meet us in the dining room for breakfast in a bit." Liam responds. Niall starts to run down the hall and towards the elevators.

"Let's go guys! The food is waiting!" He yells back at us before he turns the corner. We all laugh and run towards the elevator.

We go down to the lobby and walk to a little kitchen/dining room where I assume we will eat breakfast. We all sit down at a table together and leave two seats open for Zayn and Louis. When they come, a women comes out with a tray of food and puts it on the buffet table. We all jump out of our seats and grab plates.

After we get our food and are settled at the table, Niall asks me what I do with my life. I think for a moment about if I should tell them about the part time job I have a local restaurant or collage. I stick with collage and say,

"I'm an Irish history major at my hometown collage, we are actually taking a trip to Ireland in a few weeks." Harry and Liam smile and nod their heads, Niall on the other hand grins big and says

"That's amazing! Ireland is the best country in the world, you'll love it! What part are you visiting?" I totally blank for a second and then remember "Collinstown, my professor said it was really small so we're going to be doing some sight seeing other places too.

I look at Niall who still has a huge smile on his face. "That's amazing!" He says "I live in Mullingar which is pretty close to Collinstown! When are you going to be there?" He asks. I calculate for a minute and answer,

"I'm leaving three weeks from Monday." He pauses for a moment.

"That's insane cause this is my last week out on tour and then I'm going back home to Ireland for 3 weeks before I have to travel again." He says. I respond about how cool that is, and Niall goes on about how much I'll love Ireland and that it's a great place.

After about 5 minutes of Niall talking, Liam interrupts and asks me what interests me about Ireland and why I chose to learn about it. I think for a while and start to talk.

"My dad was born in Ireland and grew up there, when I was born my family moved to America but he still talked about it all the time." I said. Harry opened his mouth to say something, but Niall interrupted him.

"Sounds like a good lad, I wish I could meet him,"

"Yeah, he was." The boys smiles fade.

"Oh god, I'm sorry love" Liam says.

"Thanks it's fine" I respond. We sit and finish our food in awkward silence.

When Harry is finished he gets up and throws his paper plate in the garbage and sits down again, the silence continues until Louis and Zayn run in and sit down.

"Why is everyone so quiet?" Zayn says.

"No reason, just nothing to talk about." Harry says back. I finish my food and tell the boys I'm going to take a shower so I can go home. I'm almost out of the room when Niall yells at me

"Wait!" I turn to look at him and shrug my shoulders.

"We're going to go out today and get lunch and visit the city for a bit, you should join us!" He says.

"I don't know.... I think I'm just going to go home." I say. I turn to go back up to my room but Louis runs up behind me and turns me around.

"You have no choice! You have to come! Please?!" He yells. "Please?!" All the others say in unison. I tell them that I will call my mom and ask if it alright to spend the day in the city, and if she says I should I will stay with them. When I call, Louis says he wants to make sure I'm telling the truth, and stands next to me so he can hear what my mom says. She picks up and I ask her.

"Hey mom, I was thinking about spending the day in the city, what do you think?" She pauses and says,

"Honey that's a great idea! Look around for a bit!" We talk for a little longer and then we both hang up.

"Yay!" They all say and I go to my room to shower before our adventure.

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