Chapter 9

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Sorry guys this is just a filler chapter. Also I've already updated twice today but I'm bored so yeah you're welcome.

I wake up at 6:00. I hit snooze and lay back down. I am just drifting off to sleep again when my eyes snap open and I sit up. I jump out of bed and silently scream.

Today's the last day of school before Ireland. I get all ready for school and arrive 10 minutes early.

Classes go by slowly. When Irish history comes around, Mr. Walsh gives us a list of things we need for the 3rd time, in case we lost it again.

Who would pack the night before we went to Ireland? Anyways, for the rest of the class period Mr. Walsh told us what to expect in Ireland. When school was over I went home and double checked that I had everything I needed.

The second I was finished, I called Grace. We hung out for the rest of the day and when night came we gave each other tearful goodbyes.

I went to bed at 8:00. I had to get up at 5:00 the next morning to meet everyone at the airport.

The next morning I got to the airport around 6:30, the time we were all supposed to meet. We went through security and boarded the plane. When everyone was boarded, the pilot told us about all the safety stuff and then took off.

I slept for 4 hours and read for the other 3.

We landed at 2:00 and met the families we were staying with. Each student was assigned a family to live with during our stay in Ireland.

Before we went to our homes, we got a schedule of what it would be like every day. Then, we got settled into our homes.

My "family" was really nice. There were just 2 of them. Both of their kids were in college, so I got their daughters old room.

We had the rest of the day to do whatever we wanted so I walked around for a little bit.

I went home after a couple hours and read until 9:30. My alarm was set for 6:00 so I could get an early start.

The last thing I thought about before I went to sleep was, "Hey, Niall's in Ireland right now!"

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