Chapter 18

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Sorry that this is a weird version of 18 but none of the other ones would work. You can just listen to it on ur iPod or YouTube or whatever.

I wake up to hands gently shaking me.

"Time to get up Nora," I sigh and roll to my other side.

"Come on babe, you gotta get up. We have a plane to catch." I open my eyes and slowly sit up. Niall is sitting on the end of the bed in only his boxers.

Noticing that I'm still sleepy, Niall jumps on top of me and starts tickling me.

"Niall!" I laugh, barely able to breath. He stops tickling me and leans close to me. He smiles and presses his lips to mine.

When the kiss is over I'm fully awake. Niall and I get dressed and lug my suitcases downstairs. The boys and I quickly eat breakfast, and I say goodbye to my mom and brother.

We walk outside and pile up in the cars. When we get to the airport we go through security and take our seats on the plane. The plane ride to Texas will be a couple hours so I brought a lot of stuff to do. Turns out I didn't need it.

The boys and I talked the entire time minus my half hour nap. When we get to the airport in Dallas, thousands of fans are already there.

Security rushes us through the crowd to avoid any conflicts. We get in our cars and drive straight to the hotel.

After we get through the crowd at the hotel, we go to our rooms. Niall and I are sharing and everyone else has their own. After we're settled in, Paul tells us that the boys need to go to the stadium where they are performing that night so that they can rehearse.

"You're welcome to come watch if you'd like," he says to me. I accept and we get in the car once again.

I am awed by how huge the stadium is. The boys run up onto the stage and disappear into what I assume is backstage.

I sit in one of the seats closer to the front and the music starts. The boys come out on stage singing I Want. At one point in the song, Harry opens his mouth to sing his solo, when Louis cuts him off.

"You could be preoccupied, different dick every night, you've just got to say the f word." Everyone bursts out laughing and the music stops.

"Nice one Louis," Niall says in between hysterical laughs. Niall is still laughing when Liam finally says,

"Alright guys lets do it again. Louis don't be an arse this time." The boys do it again and by the time they're done rehearsing their set, we have about 2 hours until the show starts.

We all hang out backstage and the boys tweet about the show. At one point I look up and see that Harry is asleep on the couch. Louis sees that I've noticed and we share a mischievous look. He grabs a sharpie off of the coffee table and walks over to Harry.

"Would you like to do the honors babe?" I take the sharpie and draw a curly mustache on his face.

Louis giggles and Niall gets up to see what we drew. When he sees Harry's face he snickers. Liam and Zayn get up to see what's happening and they smile. Yes, we are very immature if you hadn't noticed. Harry wakes up at that moment and sits up.

"Why are you staring at me?" We all laugh a little and I hide the sharpie behind my back.

"Nothing, bro." We all go back to where we were before and act normally. He looks at us all suspiciously, but before he can confront anyone Paul walks in and tells us we have 5 minutes until show time.

"Guys I need a picture!" I say. I get my phone out and we take a group selfie. For a second, I completely forgot that they were "number one in turdy seven countries," and post it on Instagram with the caption, "hanging out with these guys!"

The boys go on stage and I realize what I just did. I just casually posted on Instagram that I'm hanging out with the biggest boy band in the world. Sure enough, within 5 minutes my phone is buzzing with notifications. Some people accuse me of photoshopping, while other people ask why the hell I'm hanging out with One Direction.

I turn off my phone and decide to lay down. Within minutes I'm asleep. I wake up to them singing,

"Wake up!!" I sit up and say,

"Guys, I accidentally forgot you were famous and posted a picture of us on Instagram." Niall sits down next me on the couch.

"It's alright princess. Just tell them we're dating." I laugh.

"They wouldn't believe me," he smiles.

"Well we can post a video." I stop laughing and look at him.

"What?" He repeats himself.

"We can post a video."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel obligated or anything," he takes my hands in his and looks straight into my eyes.

"Nora, I love you and I want everyone to know that you're mine." I laugh and turn my phone on.

"Alright, if you're sure,"

"I am," I go to Instagram and hit the video camera button. I hold down the red button and Niall starts speaking.

"Hello everyone I'm Niall Horon. In case you don't know, this is Nora, my girlfriend, and I love her. She makes me happy, think about that before you post any mean comments." Then, he leans over and kisses me. He pulls away and smiles, then the video ends. I post the video without a caption.

"It's getting late and were all a bit tired. Let's head back to the hotel," Harry says. We all agree and head back. When we get to our room, I change into a tank top and short shorts. I sit down on the bed and Niall starts unbuttoning his pants.

I awkwardly sit there, not knowing where to look. Niall notices my discomfort and smirks as he takes of his shirt.

"Everything alright darling?" I blush.

"Yeah, I'm good." He slowly starts walking towards me.

"You sure?" I nod unable to speak. He climbs into the bed and sits up next to me.

"You know that you just told the entire world that you're in a relationship with me. Are you sure you're okay with that?" He falls back onto the pillow and rolls over to face me.

"Nora, how many times do I have to tell you this? I love you," my heart starts beating faster.

"I love you Nora, I love you." I look into his deep blue eyes.

"Niall, I love you too," I lean over and kiss him. The kiss deepens and we fuck. A blue monkey is eating my face. I try to push him away, but I can't. He stops eating my face and starts banging on the tree branch.

I sit up and open my eyes. It was just a dream. I look over and see that Niall is still asleep. Someone is knocking at the door. I put on one of Niall's shirts and open the door. Liam is standing there with a tray of food.

"We're leaving in 20 minutes so get ready quickly. I brought you breakfast. Wake up the Irish one and let's go." He notices I'm wearing Niall's shirt, smirks and walks away. I wake up Niall and we eat and get ready in 5 minutes.

"Today we're going on the tour bus," Niall says.

"Cool," we meet the rest of the boys in the lobby and walk outside. The bus is huge. It's red and black with tinted windows so you can't see inside. We walk in and I gasp.

"Holy shit," the first thing I see is 2 huge couches and a tv. The boys offer to take me on a tour, I agree. First they take me to where they sleep. There are little bunks, each with a tv and a little pocket for stuff.

Next they show me the kitchen. It has a fridge and an oven and everything a normal kitchen would have. They show me the bathrooms, the game room and where to put my stuff. It's awesome.

When everyone is settled in, the bus starts moving. We sit in the tv room and Harry and Liam play video games while the rest of us sit and chat. Niall and I hold hands and in that moment, everything is perfect.

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