Chapter 3

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Ok just so everyone knows, I have never been to a One Direction concert or any other concert for that matter, so I have no idea how it works. Sorry if I get details wrong.

I was about 15 minutes away when it happened. I was driving along listening to a hard days night, when my car let out a groan and died.

"This can't be happening," I got out and pushed my car to the side of the road.

I opened the hood and tried to see what was wrong. I knew nothing about cars. You'd think I would know how to fix it since this had happened about a bazillion times, but someone else had always fixed it for me.

I was contemplating walking, when a black van pulled up beside me. 5 guys cautiously got out.

"Please don't freak out, we were just wondering if you needed someone to take a look at your car." They spoke with British accents and one of them looked really familiar.

"Do I know you? You look really familiar." His mouth dropped open but he quickly recovered and smiled.

"I don't know. Maybe." They all seemed amused by something, but I didn't know what. I didn't really care as long as they fixed my car.

"Sorry love, the engines busted. You're not going to be going anywhere in that car anytime soon. You need a ride somewhere?" I felt nervous about getting into a car with a bunch of random strangers, but I had to get to the concert.

"Ummmm, ya actually. I'm going to a concert. New Dir- One Direction I think they're called." They all smiled again and started getting in their car.

I followed while one said, "Yeah? We're going there too." I ended up sitting between the one who looked familiar and some other guy. The one that looked familiar ha brown curly hair that was messy, but in an attractive way, and green eyes. The other guy ha dark hair with a blonde streak through it, and hazel eyes. They both were very attractive.

They drove me to the concert and dropped me off. For some reason they didn't get out and continued driving. I shrugged. Maybe they wanted to get something to et before the show.

The place was packed. It took what seemed like days to get through the line.

When I finally got to the front, I showed the guy my backstage pass. He went through a long process to make sure it wasn't fake, then led me to a little waiting room.

The walls were an emerald green. To my left was a red sofa, to my right a piano. Right next to the piano was an acoustic guitar. I was supposed to wait for One Direction to come and watch them practice.

I went and sat down on the sofa. The guy had snuck away while I was taking in the room, so I was alone.

I waited for a long time. Finally, after at least half an hour, I decided to play the guitar. I walked over and picked it up.
It was very generic, just a brown color with a plastic ring around the sound hole. There was a pick on the ground next to it, so I put the strap around me and started playing.

The first thing that came to mind was Hey Jude by The Beatles, so that's what I played.

When I was done, I opened my eyes and saw the 5 guys who had driven me here earlier standing there, staring at me.

"Oh hi, I um, didn't know you we're standing there," I hastily put the guitar down.

"Do you have backstage passes too?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"No, mate. We're the band. We're One Direction."

I Think It's ONE DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now