Chapter 11

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The next morning, I wake up at 7:30 and take a shower. When I'm done, it's a little after 8 so I blow dry my hair and straighten it.

I don't know if Niall and I will be eating breakfast together so I eat a piece of toast so I'm not hungry, but I could eat.

I hear a knock on the door and hurry to open it. The second it opens, Niall wraps me in his arms and gives me a hug. After a second we pull away and I laugh.

"Hi!! I'm so excited to see you, how have you been?" He grins.

"I've been great! I love it when I get to come home, Ireland is the best place in the world!" We catch up on the car ride to Mullingar.

Mullingar is only 12 miles away from Collinstown, so the drive isn't too long.

"Have you eaten breakfast yet?" I shake my head,

"No," he grins. We stop outside a small bakery. Niall bolts out of the car the second we stop and runs around to my side before I can open the door.

He then opens it for me and I laugh as I get out.

"Thanks," He smiles and we go inside the bakery.

"Niall!!" Someone exclaims. I turn toward the sound of the voice and see an older woman standing behind the cash register. She beckons him over and gives him a hug.

They laugh and I just awkwardly stand there while they catch up. Then, the woman seems to notice me.

"Who's this?" She asks. Niall pulls me next to him.

"This is Nora, I met her at one of my concerts. Well, actually right before one of my concerts," he tells the woman the story of how my car broke down and they drove me to their concert, and I didn't even know who they were.

When he's done he introduces me to the woman. "Nora, this is Bridget. She works here at the bakery. Has my whole life. I used to come here quite often."

He orders 2 croissants and we sit down to eat them. When we're done Niall says bye to Bridget and she tells him to come back soon.

Then we begin our day. He takes me all around and we visit some cool places like Belvedere House and Gardens and Lough Ennell.

We also visit places like his favorite bookstore and the movie theatre. For lunch, we go to Nandos. It's delicious.

The last place we go is a bar. We walk inside and sit down at the bar. The bartender walks up to us and asks us what we want. Niall orders 2 Murphy's stouts, then turns to me.

"So, have you always lived in New York?" I nod.

"Yeah, I was actually born in Limerick, but my parents moved us to New York when I was two, and I've lived there ever since."

"Limerick, here in Ireland?"


"That's cool, so you're one of us leprechauns then," he says jokingly.

Right then the waitress comes and sets down our drinks. We talk for awhile and before I know it, my drink is gone.

Niall orders me another drink.

"Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Yeah, go for it," he pauses.

"Umm, what happened to your dad?" Just as I was about to answer, I felt someone grab my arm.

I looked up and saw that the woman who grabbed me had also grabbed Niall. We were led onto the stage in the back of the bar.

The woman told us that every night they picked two random people from the crowd and made them sing something to kick off karaoke night. I tried to protest, but apparently you weren't allowed to back out.

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