Chapter 8

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I pull into my driveway and park. I get out of the car and go through the garage door.

When I come into the kitchen my mom is standing by the counter eating a sandwich.

"Hey baby, how was the concert?" She asks.

"It was great! Guess what!" I look at her and she smile's questioningly.

"What happened hun?" She says.

"I met them! We hung out together! They are awesome and funny and they liked me to!" I raise my eyebrows expecting her to freak out but all she said was,

"That's great Nora, sounds like you had a good time!" I frown, and turn to go upstairs to my room.

I walk in and put my bag on my bed, then get my phone out to call Grace. It rings three times before she answers.

"Hey Nora! What's up?" She says

"I'm great! As you know I went to the One Direction concert last night!" I respond.

"Yeah, don't rub it in!" She says.

"Come to my house now, I have something to tell you!" I say back

"Alright! I'll come in just a bit!" She says and hangs up.

I go and sit at my desk and go over an essay I was writing for professor Walsh.

After about 15 minutes I hear a knock on the door and yell,

"Come in!" Grace walks in and comes over to the desk next to me.

"So what did you have to tell me about in person?" She asks.

"Let's sit on the bed and I'll tell you." We walk to the bed and sit. I tell her everything not leaving out any details.

When I'm finished I raise my eyebrows and say "Sooo, isn't that amazing?!"
She puts her head in her hands.

"You don't think I seriously believed that right? You made that up!" She shakes her head.

"You know what, it doesn't matter if you believe me! I know what happened!" I yell at her. She gets off the bed and goes to sit at my desk when my phone rings.

When I look it says, "FaceTime from Harry." I press the little green icon and it says connecting, then to my surprise Harry's face comes on to the screen.

"Hey love! How's it going?" Harry's asks. Grace spins her head around and runs over to the bed, she nearly faints when she sees that it's Harry who is on the other end of the face time.

"I'm good, how did you get my number and why do I have your number?" I ask.

"We might have all put our numbers in your phone while you were in the bathroom today at the restaurant." He smiles and winks which makes Grace nearly fall off the bed with excitement.

"Nice, so what is the meaning of this FaceTime?" I say

"I was just checking to make sure you made it home alright, everything good?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks for checking in!" We talk for a bit longer and Harry tells me that today right after I left, him and the boys went to play basket ball and when Zayn threw the ball at Niall it hit him in the face and he got a bloody nose. He said that Niall was fine and they all got a laugh out of it and thought I might think it was funny to.

After we said goodbye I look over at Grace who looks like she just saw a ghost.

"Told you!" Is all I said. When Grace leaves I go downstairs and eat dinner.

By the time I'm back in my room and ready for bed it's 11:30. I lay down and think about how lucky I am before I drift off the sleep.

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