Chapter 4

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"Wait what?" I said. Then it clicked, they are One Direction, that's why they looked familiar.

"We're One Direction." The one with curly hair said.

"I figure you're not a big fan then, love." He said.

"Not really, my mom bought me these tickets for my birthday."

"Right then, before we start I'm Harry and this is Zayn, Louis, Liam and Niall." He signaled to the other guys standing next to him.

"Cool. I'm Nora." I said.

"So we're going to play some music for a bit before we go onstage, so you can just chill out and enjoy." He smiled and said.

They all got in position and the one Harry said was Niall picked up the other guitar. Niall looked over to me and winked.

"You can join in if you like, from what we heard earlier, you're quite the musician."

"Ummm..." I said in response. "I'll pass this time, but thanks for the offer anyway." He looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, maybe next time." I said.

"Alright, suit yourself!" He grinned and turned towards the others. Harry counted off and they started singing a catchy song that I recognized from listening to the top 40 hit radio station.

When they were done they told me that they needed to go get into wardrobe and do some last minute things before the show.

We walked out of the room together. When the door shut, they turned to walk to their dressing rooms, and a tall muscular guy with a black shirt came and walked me to the section I was in for the concert.

There were already a bunch of girls in the audience and I could see more coming through the entrance.

It took about 45 minutes to an hour for everyone to get in and to the right spot.

The place was filled with screaming girls, some had huge posters, some had T-shirts with the boys on them, others even had their faces painted. It was crazy!

After everyone was settled, the big announcement was made that the concert would start in 20 minutes.

I looked around for a bit at all of the people and the huge stage. Then the announcer came on again saying that the boys were about to come on stage.

Everyone was screaming and jumping around. The lights were going around the audience and then stopped at the stage.

Then the boys came up out of the stage and the music started. Everyone was screaming and I felt like my eardrums were going to explode.

They started singing a song I didn't recognize, and all the fans around me sang along to every word the boys said.

After the song was finished Liam started talking. He said they were really excited to be there and a bunch of other stuff about how they love their fans.

They sang some more songs that were actually pretty awesome. By the last song I was dancing and screaming along with all the other super fans.

When they were finished they said goodbye and left the stage. Everyone stayed for awhile hoping they would make one more appearance,but they didn't and people started to file out.

When I finally got out of the building and down the street, I realized that my car was fucked.

I got my phone out of my pocket and dialed my moms number.

"Hello?" I heard her say.

"Hey mom, it's me. I was calling to tell you that the concert is over, but my car broke down before the show and I don't know how to fix it." She paused.

"Alright honey, do you have your credit card with you?" She asked.

"Yeah, I do. I think my best bet is to find a hotel near me and just stay the night. I can call a tow truck in the morning." I said.

"Okay hun, that sounds good. It's getting late so I'll get off the phone and let you find a place. Text me or call me when you're at a hotel. Sound good?"

"Yeah mom, sounds good. Talk to you soon! Love you, bye!" I said hanging up.

After placing my phone back in my purse, I continued to walk up the street, looking for any sign of an inn or hotel.

The sky got really dark all of a sudden, and I hear a big boom of thunder. Oh great, it's going to rain.

I feel a drop on my skin and it only takes a minute for more to come.

The rain was pouring and I could feel the water soaking through my clothes.

I walk for awhile longer in the rain, and then a big black van pulls up next to me and stops. Awesome, now I'm going to get mugged or raped.

I start to walk a little faster, but when the door opens, to my relief, I see Niall.

"What are you doing out here in the rain, princess?" He said with a grin.

"I'm trying to find a hotel to stay in for the night because my car broke down." I respond.

"Get in, you can come stay with us!"

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