Chapter 12

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The dreaded day was here, my last day in Ireland. That past weeks had flown by, exploring all around Ireland with Niall and even classes got funner during the past week.

I was going to miss it so much, miss him so much. I heard a knock on the front door and jumped up to get it.

I had barely gotten the door open when Niall embraced me in a hug. I hugged him back and we stood there for a minute. It was sad when he finally pulled away.

"So what do you want to do for your last day?" He asks

"What else is there to do?" I say. We talk for a while about some things we could do around town but in the end we decide to just stay at the house and watch some of our favorite movies.

We get cozy on the couch together and put "Grease" into the movie player. We sing along to the songs and dance around room, about halfway through the movie we get tired and sit down. We watch for another minute or so before I look over at Niall and notice just how blue his eyes are.

He looks over and catches me staring, he smiles and our eyes are lock together. He keeps looking at me but his eyes glance at my lips, he leans in and our lips touch.

The kiss is soft and sweet and when we pull away we are both smiling. He doesn't say anything but puts his arm around me and I snuggle closer to him.

We watch more movies and before I know it is already 5:00 in the evening. We go back upstairs and my "family" is making dinner. My fake mom asks Niall if he would like to stay for dinner, he smiles and accepts.

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