Chapter 17

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We snuggle for just a minute longer and then I kiss him one more time before I roll out of bed. Niall sits up.

"Hey I got your bag from the other hotel you were staying at, and payed for your room before I brought you here last night."

"Wow thanks Niall, you know that you didn't have to pay for my hotel though." I pause and look at him.

"So, I know everything is perfect now but I have to say, what is going to happen when you have to leave Jersey and continue your tour?"

"We have three free days before we move on to Detroit and the rest of the tour so I was thinking would you like to join us on the rest of the trip?" He smiles and raises his eyebrows, I think for a minute. If I go, I could be with Niall and I would get to travel and see the world, but I also have to do online classes and I'm not with my family.

"You don't have to princess, but it would make me very happy if you did!" He gets out of bed and walks over.

"I need to talk to my mom about this, she doesn't even really know about you guys!" I bite my lower lip and he pulls me into his arms.

"How about me and the mates come with you to New York tomorrow and we can all have a chat with your mum as well as your professor at university about you traveling with us for the next 9 more months, but only if you actually would like to come on tour with us, what do you think babe?" He smiles and I can see just how much he cares about me and I know the answer to the question he has asked.

"Of course I want to come with you guys! I have my plane ticket but how are you guys going to get yours? You can't get a ticket from delta the day before a flight, right?" He laughed a little.

"We don't fly on delta babe, we fly on a private plane." Oh yeah, that makes sense I think to myself.

"Well if you guys want, you can take your plane and I'll use my ticket on the airline."

"No way! You're going to come with us on our flight, we'll all go together! We can refund your ticket on delta." He grabs his computer and sits on the bed.

I agree to the whole private plane thing and give Niall my boarding pass information so he can cancel my flight. I go to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready. I wash my hair and think about how this tour will probably change my life forever, and the fact that I get to spend months with Niall and the boys on tour busses and private planes and fancy shit like that.

When I get out of the shower Niall tells me he has everything fixed with the flight tomorrow and that we will be leaving the hotel at 3 in the morning to avoid crowds outside the airport and hotel.

The day is normal and we all just hangout and sit around. The boys just like to chill on days that aren't busy so we spend most of the time talking and laying in me and Niall's room.

My alarm wakes me up and the clock on the bedside table says 2:00 a.m. I get out of bed and shake Niall a little to get him up. We get dressed and pack our things. Paul knocks on our door and we go get a quick breakfast before we go down to the parking garage and get in big black SUV's.

When we get to the airport it goes like a normal flight until instead of going down to a terminal we all walked with a flight attendant to a door that leads outside.

It was still pretty dark but there were lights that lined the runway. We walked to a stair case leading into the plane and we said hello to a friendly women that took our bags and handed them to a muscular man that was loading them in the side of the plain.

When we get into the plane, I gasp. It's huge and has big leather seats and is more spacious than any plane I've ever seen.

I take a seat across from Niall with a little table in between us. The women tells us all about the safety stuff and then the plane starts to move and before I know it were in the air.

I sleep during the flight and wake when I feel the plane hit the ground. We get off and shake hands with the captain. Then, we get our things and walk through the airport and get into black cars again.

We get to my house and I unlock the front door with my house key. When we walk in, my mom is sitting on the couch reading a magazine.

"Hey hun, how's it-" my mom stops and look at the others standing behind me -"going?" she finishes.

"Hey mom, this is the band, One Direction, I was telling you about a while back." I introduce all of them individually and my mom can't stop smiling.

"I'd like to talk to you about something important, and you need to hear me out before you say no, ok?" I ask biting my lip.

"Alright hun, come and you all can sit and we'll talk." She smiles and pats the couch. We all sit and explain me going on tour and Liam even has Paul come in and talk to my mom about the details.

Long story short, after awhile of convincing she says yes, and we all go out to dinner so she can get to know the boys better.

Louis, Harry, Liam, and Zayn stay in my guest room and Niall stays in my room with me.

The next day they help me pack everything I need and give me some tips.

After I'm totally packed and ready, I spend some time with just my mom considering I'm not going to see her for awhile. That night I go to bed knowing that tomorrow will be the beginning of something great.

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