Chapter 7

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We tour around for awhile, but it's no fun because the boys have to stay out of sight from basically everyone in the city. After awhile of window shopping from alleys and whispered conversations, I get an idea.

"Follow me," I say. They ask me where we're going, but I keep silent and keep walking, eventually they give up asking where we're going and just follow.

After about ten minutes of walking we arrive.

"Here we are, Janey's. The best clothing in town, but no one knows about it so it's usually empty. I have no idea how it's still running." We go in and sure enough, no ones there.

We browse the clothes for awhile, and I find this beautiful scarf that's way out of my price range. It's dark red with streaks of purple through it. I sigh and put it back where I found it. I end up buying myself a pair of sneakers.

I buy my shoes first then go outside and wait for everyone. They all come out and I realize it's time for lunch.

"Come on, guys. Let's eat!" We walk a couple blocks until we get to Aunt Suzy's diner. We have a delicious lunch and then head back to the hotel.

They all pack up their stuff while I go around and talk to them. I'm gonna miss them. They're all hilarious and fun to hang out with. I go to Niall's room last.

"Hey," I say. He looks up and smiles at me. "Hello mate." We talk about random stuff and I am about to go to the lobby, we all agreed we would meet in there when everyone was packed to say goodbye, when Niall pulls something from a bag. He hides it behind his back.

"I got something for you," he says. I raise my eyebrows. Then, he pulls the scarf from behind his back. The really expensive one that I saw at Janey's. I gasp.

"Niall, how did you-" he interrupts me.

"I saw you holding it at Janey's."

"Niall, that scarf was really expensive. You shouldn't have gotten it for me." He laughs.

"Nora, do you know how rich I am? This little scarf isn't going to affect me." He hands it to me.

"Please take it," after a second of contemplating, I put it on.

"Thank you so much!" I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him. He stiffens in surprise, then relaxes and returns the hug.

I pull away and we go downstairs to meet the guys. I hug each one of them and they tell me that this won't be the last time I see them. I laugh and tell them that they're way to busy to come visit me, but that if they're ever in New York I'll come and see their concert.

They tell me that they'll save me a ticket and then I'm driving home. I let the tears roll down my face. I'm going to miss them, and I'll never see them again

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