Chapter 2

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It was a normal Thursday filled with classes, I was in my second half of my first year in college.

The day went quick, Professor Walsh talked about an interesting subject and the lecture went fast.

After he was finished, I walked out of the auditorium and to the student parking lot, I stopped at my little green Buick regal car.

Considering that it was a really old model, it didn't run very good and I would be lucky to make it into the city and back tomorrow without it breaking down at least once.

I stopped by the store to get some milk for my 15 year old brother who literally survived on cereal for two of his three meals in the day.

When I got home it was a normal evening, dinner and studying mostly. I was skipping my classes tomorrow so I could go early to the concert, which meant extra homework for tonight.

Before I knew it, it was already 11:00 at night and I was still jammin' to my fav The Beatles and studying hard.

I put my things away and brushed my teeth. After I had my pajamas on, I got in bed.

While I lay there contemplating life I realized that I didn't even know anything about One Direction, I had seen their pictures a few times in the past but I probably wouldn't recognize them if I saw them on the street.

It didn't matter now, my mom was so excited for me and I was actually pretty excited myself. I closed my eyes and dozed off.

My alarm beeped and it took a minute for me to open my eyes. I haven't gotten up this late in awhile and it was hard for me to finally get out of bed.

When I looked at my clock it said it was 10:30 a.m. I get in the shower and decide to shave my legs cause it's an occasion and I haven't in awhile.

When I go downstairs my mom had already made pancakes and looked just as cheery as always.

"Good morning sweetheart, are you excited for the big concert?" She turned towards me, eyes open wide.

"Yeah mom, it's going to be great!" I said in response.

We sat and ate breakfast and talked for a bit longer. When I was finished, I took my plate to the sink and went back upstairs to finish getting ready.

I put just a dab of mascara on and looked pretty much normal as always.

It was now coming up on 11:30 and I told myself I was going to leave the house around 12:00 since the concert doors open at 2:30 and it takes awhile to get into the city.

I say goodbye to my mom and go out into the garage to get in my rusty old piece of junk car. I blast my radio and pull out of our little suburban house to go get a taste of city life.

I Think It's ONE DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now