Chapter 15

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Hey guys I've never been to a One Direction concert, (but that will change in July!!!!!😍😘😊😊😊😜😍) so sorry if I get details wrong. I know I said that the last time Nora went to a concert but just reminding you.

I hear a knock on my bedroom door.

"Go away!" I yell. I don't care who it is, I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Nora, I'm coming in," It's Grace.

"Please don't," she opens the door and sits next to my feet.

"Look, Nora. James called me and said I should come over. What happened?" I try to hold back my tears as I tell her about the FaceTime.

When I'm done, Grace pulls me up and gives me a hug. She's about to say something when I realize that I should call him and explain. Before Grace can give me a very good reason not to, I hit the little phone button under Niall's name.

"Hello?" I freeze.

"Hello?" I drop my phone on the ground and run to the bathroom. When the door is locked I lay down on the ground and start sobbing.

I don't notice Grace pounding on the door and telling me to open up. My whole world just tried to do a flip but fell down a never ending staircase. I couldn't save myself, my body was too battered and I couldn't move. Or eat. Or talk, or do anything except cry.

Niall hadn't answered his phone, it was a girl. What was the whole FaceTime thing? An act?

Then I remembered the photo on Instagram. Kayla. That voice on the phone. If I thought about it, it sounded a lot like her. I mean, the phone makes peoples voices sound a little different, but I've seen her on the news and heard her voice.

Kayla. I've never hated anything as much as I hated that name. Or the person it belonged to. My blood felt like it was boiling. My hands clenched in fists and my vision started going red.

What was Niall playing at? Did he make girls fall in love with him for fun and then break their hearts? Deep down I knew that wasn't true, but I was to angry to see clearly.

The past few weeks I had been crying and crying over that asshole. I was done. No more crying. I put my heart in a little box and secured it with a padlock.

No more crying. I wiped my eyes and looked in the mirror. I looked like hell! It was time to have some fun after all these weeks of moping around.

I walk out of the bathroom with a huge smile on my face. Grace looks at me confused.

"Ok Grace here's what were gonna do tonight. We're gonna get a huge group of Directioners and give them Niall's phone number. Brilliant! Right?" Grace pales.

"No Nora that is not brilliant. Please don't do that," she protests to me while I run to get my phone. It's vibrating when I get in and I see I have 7 missed calls from Niall.

My phone stars ringing and I see it's Niall again. Nope. Not answering. I hit ignore and realize that I have his number memorized.

I laugh to myself and grab my coat on the way out the door. I go up to every teenager I see and ask if they like One Direction. The ones that say they do, I give them Niall's phone number.

They don't believe me but I tell them that if I'm lying it's not a big deal. I tell them that his girlfriend Kayla might answer. After I've given the number to about 20 girls, I head home and turn on the news.

Niall's face is the first thing I see. The channel is talking about how his phone number somehow leaked out and teenage girls had been calling him all night.

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