Chapter 10

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I wake up to the smell of sausage. I get dressed and walk downstairs. My "family" had made breakfast and we all sat down and ate it together.

When I was finished, I met up with professor Walsh and the rest of the class at a coffee shop down the road.

We spend the day sight seeing and taking notes on Collinstown.

In the evening we went out to dinner with the class for some traditional Irish food. Afterwards I take a cab back to the my temporary house.

I stop in the kitchen and say hello to my "family" before I go up to my bedroom. I set my alarm and fall asleep quickly after getting in bed.

In the morning I wake up, shower and go downstairs. The others aren't up yet so I just get a piece of toast and head out to the coffee shop to meet the rest of the class.

The next week is similar to the day before, going around Collinstown and studying. One day we took a day trip to Castlepollard, but other than that it was kind of like being at home and going to class everyday.

It had been a week since I got to Ireland and I was ready to have some actual fun.

I can drink legally here so that makes for a good time. After eating out with professor Walsh and the class, I walk into my bedroom and get my phone out of my bag.

The screen says "three missed calls from Niall Horan". I go to my contacts and call him. It rings,

"Hello?" he says in his accent

"Hey Niall it's Nora! I'm just returning your call" I say.

"Hey Nora!! Are you in Ireland yet?" He practically yells through the phone. I laugh.

"Yeah I'm in Ireland Niall, are you?"

"Yeah I got here 2 weeks ago and I've been visiting with my family and mates. Hey and I found out I have 2 extra weeks before I have to go back to the u.s, I'm here for another 3 weeks!" I can almost feel the smile that appeared on his face while he said it.

"That's great! I've been here for just about a week." I say.

"How do you like?" He asks.

"Well...I mean it's ok, I haven't done much other than study and do stuff with my class." I respond.

"Alright you know what, how about tomorrow I'll come over to Collinstown and we can go out for the day and I'll show you around?" He says.

"Wait, how far is Mullingar from here?" I ask. He pauses for a second and then says,

"Not far, I'll make a bit of a schedule for us and we can have a bit of fun tomorrow, sound alright love?" He asks.

I think for a moment and realize that I don't have anything planned for tomorrow and professor Walsh said that we had a free day.

I tell him that it's a plan and the address to the house I'm staying at. He says that he is looking forward to it and he will come and get me at 9:00 In the morning.

We say goodbye and I start to get ready for bed, it's only 9:23 but I want to have lots of energy for tomorrow's adventure with Niall.

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