Chapter 5

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I get in the car and squeeze into the backseat between Niall and Zayn.

On the car ride there, we have a strange conversation about pancakes and frogs, which involves a lot of laughing.

When we get to the hotel, we sprint to the front doors to avoid getting soaked by the rain.

A man in a black vest opens the door for us, and we walk inside. We walk to the front desk and Liam gets me a room down the hall from theirs.

We all agree to meet in Harry's room in 5 minutes. I go to my room and put my stuff on the bed. I fix my hair in the mirror and head down to Harry's room.

When I get to Harry's room I knock on his door. He answers and pulls me inside.

The rest of the guys except Louis are already there. I sit down on the bed next to Zayn.

We talk for a little bit and are just wondering where Louis is, when he bursts into the room and yells,

"Everyone hide! Zayn's the seeker!" We all laugh and run out of the room to find a place to hide.

I run to the end of the hall and open the door to the staircase, I go 2 floors down and hide in a small room with a couple of vending machines in it.

They don't find me for awhile so I go back to Harry's room. On the way back up the stairs, I run into Niall. Literally, we bumped into each other and I almost fell down the stairs.

Luckily, before I could actually fall, Niall caught me around the waist and pulled me up.

"Sorry love! Are you alright?" Still shaken from the almost-fall I nod, unable to speak. He pulls me up and laughs.

"You have me quite a fright!" I smile and sit down.

"You gave me quite a fright! I almost fell down the stairs!" He sits down next to me.

"I'm really sorry. Are you sure you're alright?" I nod.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little shaken up." He smiles.

"Okay then, let's win this game of hide and seek! I talked with the other guys and you can only hide on the top 3 floors."

"What about the other people? Won't they, you know, freak out or whatever?" He shakes his head.

"No, we reserved the entire hotel for ourselves to avoid that problem."

"Oh. Ok, let's go then!" We all play hide and seek for about an hour and a half more.

Niall and I hid in his room with the door slightly open so Zayn could check in there if he wanted to. He don't though, and we ended up winning.

That night, I fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow.

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