Chapter 14

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The next 2 weeks are miserable. The first week consisted of mostly crying, sleeping, and moping around.

On Monday of week two, I went to check Instagram and saw a picture of Niall and some super pretty model smiling and hugging.

The profile was some gossip account for super famous people and the caption was, "Niall and Kayla? Do I see a relationship brewing for our favorite Irish cutie?" My heart sank. He had already moved on, it had only been a week!

I felt tears sting my eyes and my vision blurred, the tears dropped to my cheeks. I throw my phone on the floor and get under my covers and it only takes me a minute to doze off.

"Wake up!" I hear and feel hands shaking me. I open one of my eyes to see Grace standing over me.

"What do you want!" I say in a groggy voice.

"We're going out on a double date! Ryan has a cute friend and he is single!" Ryan is Grace's fuck up boyfriend.

"Get dressed and let's go!" It takes a minute, but I eventually get up and put on a casual but cute purple dress, mascara, and brush my hair.

"Where are we going?"

"Bowling!" She says and I cringe as I think of the day me and Niall spent doing Irish road bowling which is like bowling but funner.

"Umm.. Ok I guess," I fake a smile. I should be happy, I finally have a chance to start to move on.

We take Grace's car considering how crappy mine is. When we get to the bowling alley, Ryan and his friend are already there.

I introduce myself and he says his name is James. He's tall, attractive, and friendly, but his charm doesn't compare to Niall's.

Ryan wins the first game and we start on our second but after I finish my first turn, James invites me to come to the a arcade with him.

"So I heard that you took a trip to Ireland, right?"

"Yeah, it was absolutely amazing!" I say trying not to think about how much more amazing it was with Niall.

"It seems like Ireland's a cool place, I did a report on it sophomore year of high school so I'm a pro." He smiled

"Oh I bet!" I say in a sarcastic voice. We talk for a bit longer and he wins me a bad quality blue monkey from one of those claw machines, which is actually pretty impressive considering those things are rigged.

When we're finished bowling we all walk out to the parking lot together. James and I swap numbers then, Grace takes me home.

I throw my things in the closet then walk upstairs to my room. I open the door and turn on the radio.

My mom is sleeping, so I put it on the volume where you can only hear it in my room. I realize that I haven't fully unpacked from Ireland yet, which is a lot like me since I'm the queen of procrastination.

I take out one of my least favorite shirts and throw it at my clothes bin so I can wash it tomorrow morning, but when it unfolds a small note falls out, I unwrap the piece of paper and read it.

"Hey princess it's Niall. I thought for awhile before I wrote this, like a really long while. I want you to have a little piece of my heart to take with you back home." I can feel tears behind my eyes but keep reading "I know that I don't have to over think it. So on that note I just wanted to say that spending time with you makes me happy, not the kind of happy you get when you just had a chicken wrap at nandos, or got to hold a cute puppy, but the genuine happy that makes your heart hurt, in a good way." My face is hot and my cheeks are wet with tears "Even if we're thousands of miles away or there is a fucking ocean separating us, I will always be thinking about that beautiful smile of yours, I hope you will be thinking of me too." That was the end.

I found myself wanting to call him and apologize, but I knew that it still could never work between us so I unpack all the rest of my shit out of my suitcase and put it away. I take a quick shower and get in bed.

When I wake up, I go downstairs and eat a piece of toast. I hear my phone buzz on the counter and for a split second I feel like it could be Niall but when I check the Screen it says "new text message from James".

"Hey Nora, I had a great time last night and I was wondering if u wanted to hangout today? -J xx" I smile to myself before replying

"Sure I'd like that! If u want we can hangout at my house for a bit and then we can go out later?" I press send and it only takes a minute for him to reply.

"That sounds good to me, see u soon! -J xx"

I set my phone on my desk and go shower. When I get out I dry off and put on sweats and a hoodie. When I hear the door bell ring, I run down the stairs and open the door.

"Hey, come on in! Let's go pick a movie!" I say enthusiastically

"Alright, you lead the way."

We head up to my room to watch on my computer. When I sit down at my desk, I turn my computer on.

"Umm wow you like One Direction? They're lame." He says pointing to my screen saver of the boys at the hotel.

"Well I actually know them personally," I mention under my breath a little pissed off.

"Really, prove it then!" He raises his eyebrows at me signifying a challenge.

"Alright you ask for it!" I say jokingly. I decided to FaceTime Louis. I do it on my computer so we can see better.

It takes a minute before the sign says connecting.

"Louis the tommo Tomlinson speaking" Louis' face appears on my screen. He looks over at James and screams.

"Honey buns! Are you cheating on me?" He makes an over exaggerated gasp. James looks at me.

"Wait what?!" Louis laughs

"I'm joking mate!" We both laugh but I immediately stop when I hear a familiar Irish accent.

"Who you talking to Louis?" Louis motions for Niall to come over before I can object. When he comes into view our eyes meet and he smiles, then his gaze goes to James and his smile fades.

An "Oh shit" escapes my mouth before I can stop it. I look to James and notice a confused expression on his face

"What's going on?" Niall frowns.

"Nothing," He says in a monotone voice. He walks away from the camera and I hear a crash. Louis frowns and says,

"Got to go, we all miss you. but especially Niall!" He turns the camera so we can see Niall. He has tears in his eyes.

"Are you fucking kidding me Louis!" He turns and punches the wall. My heart sinks and Niall falls to his knees clutching his hurt fist.

The face time ends and the screen is black. My stomach hurts and I'm on the verge of tears.

"I think you should go." James nods

"I'll let myself out." He walks out of my room and when my door shuts I start to sob into my pillow. I just can't shake the images of Niall so upset.

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