Chapter Eighteen

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Soon as I parked up the car (in a great space in front of the entrance!) my phone made a noise. I rummaged through my bag to find my phone, Harry text me with a list of things he wanted: Haribos, jaffa cakes, cupcake, crisps and water. It also asked if I could go to his flat and pack him a bag of clothes and stuff while he packs Harmonys. He sent me his address and everything. I have the key so I could get in. He said that Louis will be there to help as well. Then I got another text from Harry saying now Louis is packing his stuff and all I have to do is pick it up. I huffed as I throw my iphone back into my bag. It was very sunny for a winters day, so I popped on a pair of cute vintage glasses I had in my bag then got out of the Range Rover. 

"Doing Harry's shopping are we?" I turned around to see a bloke with a camera held up to his eye. Click, click, click. Went his camera "what are you doing?" I asked nicely not wanting to get on the wrong side of the paparazzi. "Doing my job." I smiled "ok. Just mind out for cars." I closed the door of the car and crossed to the entrance of Tesco. 

I picked up a basket and started shopping. 

While I was in the shop I got stopped a few times by people asking if I was the girl in the photos they had seen on twitter or tumblr. I was honest with them and told them yes I was. I wouldn't have never thought in the matter of two to three days people would be following me with cameras, shopping me in Tesco or having my photo taken with people. It just shows you how famous Harry really is. Next thing I know I'll be on BBC news! 

"Thank you." I picked up the shopping bags and walked out of the shop. Now to get Harry's things... I  moaned in my head. Then I remembered to fill up the car with fuel. So I did that first then headed to Hary's place. 

When I got to Harry's flat, I unlocked the door to see a massive flat! It had to be bigger than my house! It was all very modern which I didn't like but it was so big. "Hello?" I called, "hey." Louis's Yorkshire voice replied. "How are you?" I said giving Louis a friendly hug. "I'm good thank you, I've packed everything but Liam is finishing up because I didn't pack the right things..." 

"Oh Liam is here to, Harry didn't say that." I laughed letting go of Louis, "yeah, his in there." Louis pointed to a door which must be Harry's bedroom. "LIAM! MEL IS HERE!" Liam popped his head around the door "hello Melody." I walked over to the bedroom "hi Liam, anyone else here?" I laughed "Nope." Louis answered walking next to me. 

In the bedroom Liam had packed a nice suitcase fall of clothes, all folded and tidy. Next to the suitcase was a bag with Harry's shoes in it. I hugged Liam "thank you." let go and picked up the bag of shoes, "no, no will carry them." Liam insisted. I stepped backwards while Louis and Liam took the bags. I thanked them again however they told me not to say Thank you again which I didn't because Louis threaten to shove a carrot down my throat. Which put me off a little... 

"Are you wearing Harry's jacket?" Louis asked, I chuckled "yeah, you noticed the how over-sized it is." I opened the boot of the car for the lads. "Do you think Harry will ask you to Marry him?" Louis throw his bag into the back of the car then Liams, "what?" I questioned his question. "Doesn't matter. BYE!" Louis shouted the end of his sentence waving good bye as it started to rain. Today the weather has gone crazy first there was snow on the ground, then it was super sunny now it raining!

I sat in the car without the engine running for a second to think about what Louis just asked me. It confused me. Why did he say that? What came across his mind to say that? I shock my head clear of thoughts as I turned the key in the car. 

I listened to no music, just the sound of the engine which was very quiet anyway and the sound of the rain hitting the windows on the car. It was very peacefully driving in the car driving home. People were probably taking photos of me in Harry's car but right now Louis's word replayed over and over in my head. I didn't realize they words were in my head until I took notice of them. I never thought words like them word be so annoy me. Do I not like them...? I thought making a shiver run down my spine. 

I pulled into the drive. I turned off the engine and picked up my bags from the passenger sit. I opened the door, the rain was heavy now. Before getting out I went into the glove box and found Harry's beanie. I put it on my head then closed the glove box.

I got out of the car and ran to the front door. I didn't bother shout that I was home I just wondered into the kitchen and put the bags onto the island. Then I headed back outside to get Harry's suitcases. 

I carried them into the bedroom and on the bed I found Harry curled up in a ball around Harmony who was also sound asleep on the bed. I gently put the suitcases on the floor trying not to make any sound and got my phone out of my bag. I held the photo up to take a picture of them. I saved it to my background. I smiled slightly but them words still replaying in the back of my head causing my smile to fade away like the sun hide behind the clouds. Then it hit me as I walked out of the room. 

"Is Harry just with me for Harmony? Does he really love me?" I whispered under my breathe. That same shiver ran down my spine again making me shake. 

I fell onto the sofa. By the fireplace were a big suitcase and a little one. Harry packed my things for me? And Harmony's? I looked at the stone old farm house fire with the Christmas decorations sitting on it, twinkling, sparkling, shining. The Christmas tree we put up the other day, the star on top that Harry lifted me up to put on top. The mistletoe hanging above the patio doors that Harry and I kissed under as we hung it up. Everything in this room reminds me of Harry now. Memories of him. How can love work this fast on a person? How could a girl like me fall in love so easily? I haven't trusted anyone for a long time, a week ago I was pissed off with this guy who fucked up my life! Now I'm saying I love him... Today or Tomorrow I'll be meeting his parents. Not just that I'm spending my Christmas with them. Louis had to say that today didn't he! The day we are travelling to Harry's house...

I picked up a pillow and slammed it onto my face. I screamed into it then flopped on down onto the sofa. My right arm and leg hung off the side of the sofa, I felt like a sloth. 

I stay the way I was till Harry walked into the room with a big yawn to announce he was there. I was about to get up but then Harry start to sing the same song he sang on Alan's show last night, "'s you. It's you. It's you they add up to. And I'm in love with you. And all your little things..." He didn't realise I was home. His singing stopped "Lodie? Are you home?" 

"Boo." I said into the pilliow. "Babe what are you doing?" 


"What's up my lil Lodie?" Harry picked up my legs and sat down in their places, putting my legs down on his lap. "Makes some room for me." He chuckled. I moved on to my side giving some room to lay down next to me. "What's up, huh?" He brushed some of my loss hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear. "I-I'm worried what your mum will really think of me?" I lied. "She'll love you as much as I do. Well maybe a little less than I do." That word again, Love, sent shiver through my body. "You cold?" I nodded. I realised he was still wearing nothing on his to half and only boxers on this bottom half.

I turned on to my other side so I was looking at the fireplace. Harry wrapped his arms around me kissing my neck a few times. We said nothing to each other for a while. We just laid in peace and quiet. With a soundtrack of rain hitting the windows. 

I felt the soft touch of Harry's lips on the back of my neck. "Lodie?" Harry voice melted into my skin "emm." I moaned, "I've helped you so can you help me?" I giggled, "can we have sex now?" 

"Oh Harry." 

"You'll be screaming that soon."


Hi Fabby Fabs!

HAPPY NEW YEAR CHUMMYS! Hope everyone has had a lovely start to the new year! 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I seem to finish every other chapter with them about to have sex?... or just had it? Dunno why but hey ho that's the way it goes! 

You know the drill guys!! 




I love your comments guys. I love to know what you think. 



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