Chapter Thirty-Six {.P A R T. O N E.}

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Before you start reading I just wanna talk for a bit.

At the start of this story, I thought I wouldn't ever finish this story because, to be honest. When ever I had tried to write a story or anything like that I have ideas sparking off in my head which I just wanna write so bad! If you could see how many draft stories I have which have like one or two chapters, you'd be amazed! 

Anyway, I've slacked now and then (MOST THE TIME...sorry...) but I didn't wanna mess up the story. You know? Hope you can kinda understand.
I'll read over this story (probably change bits and bobs) and remember how much love and interest I had in this story as well as you beautiful people reading it. 
All your lovely comments, voting and libary-ing... this story. It really means a lot. 
I may not have one of the top stories with the crazy amount of reads but I am proud of this story and myself for actually finishing this story! haha 
I've done so much better than I ever dreamed of getting. This all probably sounds terribly cheesy but to be frank I don't give a crap...
I love all of you.
Thank you.

My first ever story to write is about to finish...
Enjoy the Part one of the end of 'Where is Daddy Styles at?'

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..."God! I love him. I LOVE HIM!" I whipped the tear stains of my face and ran my fingers through my hair harshly, grabbing hold of the hair at roots in my fists. I continued chuckling like a loon for a moment when the idea, the memory of Harry's one of iPhone's he has in my suitcase. 

I dashed out into the bedroom, throwing my boots bag backwards. Spilling it's contents across the wooden floor but I had to see his what he was doing tomorrow, that was my plan. I knew that his manager would send him a list of things he had to do. If I found out where he was (like a crazy stalker) I could talk to him. Tell him everything I told mum. All the things that make me hate him so much I love him. 

I skated around the room; flipping over boxes, ripping clothes out the wardrobe, rummaging under my bed looking for the suitcase. 
"What are you doing hunny?" I heard my mothers soft voice say at the door fame of the room. 
"Have you got any idea where my suitcase is?!" I panted.
"Are you blind? It's over there. I'm 50 and I saw that. Maybe we should get your eyes check M." She dragged on but I couldn't listen. I darted over to the case, unzipping it quickly revealing it's contents. Which was nothing. It was empty.

"Are you looking for the phone which was in there?" My head spand around to mum's direction, "What have you done with it?" I asked harshly, but she didn't get a offended. She simply rolled her eyes at me and walked out the room and came back quickly, holding Harry's phone in her hand. 
"I charged it." 

"I love you mum, do you know that?" I beamed. 
"I love you too baby girl." She returned the smile and picked up my handbag with a oversized jacket. My mum had that proud look on her face; just like the ever first day of school. Even though I hadn't been away from Harry for that long but I feel half empty and the other half of me is pratically empty also because of how much I miss my Harmony. I am empty without them. One day, I'll have that look on my face like mum has right now when I send Harmony off to school. As well as this little fella growing in my stomach. 

I pulled on my jacket, and pulled the hand bag on my shoulder. I hugged my mum before getting into the car. Before starting up the car I pulled out my phone to ring Paul (one direction bodyguard). I was sure that Harry wasn't going to be at home this week because of their new book that came out Monday. Today is Wednesday, one of his working days. 



"Paul? It's Melody." I small smile tugged on the corns of my lips, I've missed talking to all the guys; Louis, Zayn, Liam, Niall, Grimmy, Ed, Paul. Most of all, Harmony and Harry. Just the sound of Paul's voice brings back awesome memories of the kitchen food fight which spread around the house. 

"MELODY! Oh my god! Harry needs you, his being all depressed and lonely without you." Those voice pulled on my heartstrings,

"I've been the same way... hows my beautiful daughter?" 

"She's fine, she misses you though. She's here now actually. Do-"

"Yes! Oh my god yes!" I squealed into the phone.

"Alright, hold on a second."

I feel like a terrible mother because of what I have done, simply left for my hearts reasons. My head couldn't register what was going on at the time, I've missed her everyday. Why has this all the sudden hit home now. All my thoughts and feelings have just came apparent. 
However, everything seemed to float away when I heard the sweet sound of a little word,

"Mumma!" A tear rolled out my eye as Harmony's voice came though the speaker of the iphone.

"Oh Hammie, I miss you so much!"

"Mumma, hammie miss you too" She giggled, making me giggle right back. For some reason, she never and obliviously still doesn't seem to say 'I'. 

"Mummy will be home soon, I promise." 

"Need mumma home now! Daddy can't make breakfast like you do..." 

"Oh dear, your banana pancakes? How is daddy?" I needed to know from her point of view.

"He always looks sweepy all da time and has a patch on his arm." 


"and he doesn't sing to Hammie anymore."

"Where is daddy?"

"Signing books with his face on it. Silly. Hammie not in book. Hammie will be super star bigger than daddy with own book with no daddy in it!"

"Hammie you little diva." 

"Rolly-Polly-Paul want to talk to mumma. Love you mumma." I smiled whipping some tears off my cheeks, "ok. Love you sooooooooo much my baby girl."
I could hear Hammie talking to Paul as she was passing it back to him:
"Rolly-Polly Paul" She called, "here" The sound came more muffled then less like the phone was swinging?
"What do you say?" She said in a stain voice making me laugh to myself.
"Please can I have the phone Harmony?" 
"Nope! Magic word!" 
Then she said some which isn't even english but baby talk/scream.
"NO! Thank you please." That's another Harmony thing she believes to be the magic word because I wouldn't give her a toy back until she told me all the magic words which now she thinks in a 'magic word'. Bleam the mother.
"...thank you please..." Paul mummbled.

"Hi Melody, I dunno what you taught her, but she is a sassy little girl." Paul chuckled.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"So, how come you called?" 

"I'm going to suprise Harry."

"ARE YOU COMING BACK!?" Paul shouted exictily.

"Yeah. I realised that a thing which was one big thing can be cleaned up. Brushed under the carpet if you wanna put it that way. I love him and... I never really stopped." The words rolled off my tongue so easily. 

"Well, whatever happened between you two. It was a mistake because you two both say you still love each other and never stopped so... what do you need?"

"I need to know... where he is? And what time you leave?" 

"We are in *the same HMV they met in* and we finish the complete signing at 3 00 pm. I'm so happy you realised, Melody. I really am."

"Thank you so much Paul or should I say 'Rolly-Polly Paul'. Good-bye." I chuckled before hanging up the phone. 

This is it, I'm going back to him. I wish I could just fly their or transpot their right now and just feel his arms around my waist and his soft lips on mine once again. 
Without delaying it anymore, I started up the car.

"Here we go."

{.E N D. O F. P A R T. O N E.}

Where is Daddy Styles at? [EXTREME EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now