Chapter Thirty-four

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Harry's P.O.V.

"We're going home to mummy now." I grinned at Harmony who was drifting behind sleep and being awake in my arms as I unlocked the apartment door which wasn't lock in the first place. I felt very confused and worried. Pushing open the door I shouted "Honey, we home!" No answer.
"Babe?" Harmony started to cry, "you tried?" she nodded sniffing. "Alright." I kissed her on the head, looking around the apartment as I walked across the hall to Harmony's room. 
I opened the door to Harmony's bedroom hoping Melody was hiding in there to suprise me, the thought of that made me smile but as I got in the room the smile fell into a frown. She wasn't there. I carefully placed Harmony into her crib and placing another kiss on her forehead before leaving the room. 

I closed the door behind me, "M, please come out your worring me..." I waited for a second... she was a no show making my stomach turn on itself making it feel as if it was in a knot. 

The bedroom door was closed, it's never closed well only on some nights its closed but not always. I pushed open the door to see the wardrobe doors were slung open, coat hangers all over the floor and a note, a note which was rolled up like a scroll with some a ring I knew too well... the engagement ring. I ran quickly over to the bed grabbing hold of the paper. 
I slowly slipped the ring off the scroll holding it in my hand tightly as I unrolled the scroll;

"Dear Harry,
This may be hard to read as I can't stop my hand from shaking or my eyes from eyes but I know about what you did and I don't know if I should believe it or not. 
The scales are weighting more on 'you've cheated on me' side. 
Why? Why did you do that to me Harry, I thought you loved me. I loved you. I still love you but I hurt too much to even look at you. So w
hen you are reading this I'll be gone.
The night before you left, Taylor was outside the door. She told me everything. 
Bye Harry. 
Love from Melody xoxox
P.S. Look after Harmony, mum is going to pick her up."

I broke down into tears. Heavy tears. I slipped off the side of the bed on to the hard wooden floor with my hands supporting my head bent down to the floor face the floor. The ring was still in my hand, it was being inprinted onto my forehead. The hardest thing about all of this is that I've just losed everything I love because of this one girl who... "She lied to her... TAYLOR LIED TO HER!" In a rage I throw back my elbow into the bedside table behind me. I broke the skin as blood dripped down onto my white t-shirt. Melody wasn't here to nurse me or calm me down. 
On the top of the bedside table was a house phone which M insteaded on having just incase. The phone had fallen onto the floor next to me making a high pitch noise tell me to use it or put it back, so I picked it up to ear and dialed the first number in my head other than M's....
My Mum's.
I was crying like I cried when I went to Africa and saw those poor unfortunate children as  heard my mum pick up the phone. "Hello!"
"M-My I've lost her... I've completely lost her mum." I juttered into the phone, "Harry, my sweet are you ok? what's going on?" 
"T-Taylor, blackmailed me into s-sleeping with her or-or she was going to tell everyone about-"
"Oh Harry..." 
"Mum... I don't know what I-I can do... T-Taylor lied to-to M..." My words were mixed up into each other as I sobbed down the phone. My eyes became blurred all. I felt like a mess, I was a mess. I listened to my mothers words of wisdom, "Harold, in some respects you did the right thing, but they are only small points. I'm not very pleased that you slept with another girl whilst you were with Melody. Melody is such a lovely girl, she didn't deserve that Harry. I am going to ring a group of the boys to look after you and help you get Mie back because she was perfect for you. You two are apart of a family. Mother and Father of a child." 
"I asked her to marry me mum... four days ago..." I coughed out, "then this all happened..." I continued to sob as my mum put down the phone to ring all the boys.

It wasn't long till the boys were in the bedroom with me nursing me back to health; Liam and Zayn guided Harmony's room, Louis and Niall are writing lists on places were Melody could be (Niall was floating between that and making food for all of us), Ed was here along with Grimmy they were with me in the bedroom. Ed was reading the note in the chair across from me whilst Grimmy had his arm around my shoulders as I stared at the ring. 
"You haven't filled me in with all of this... this is all a massive shock to me 'arry."
"Taylor?" Ed whispered under his breath. Ed dated Taylor once, his still really good friends with her. "She must of really hated Melon or loved you a lot!" 

Niall came busting through the door "I know where she is Harry!" My head snapped to Niall's direction, "where?!" my lips quivered. "Her old house, her mum lives there now right? Surely she would go back there." 

Melody's P.O.V.

"Mum, I've thrown up again..." I said wiping some sick off my mouth again. The last two days I've been eating a hell of a lot, as well as throwing up. Don't forget crying... I still cry sometimes at night before I go to sleep about Harry. 
Mum came into the bathroom and sat down on the floor next to me as I hung over the toilet. "Baby girl, maybe we should take you to the doctors tomorrow morning if your sick again, this isn't healthy." I nodded as I slid across the floor to lean on her shoulder against the bath. She handed me a glass of water, "you don't know if she telling the truth baby." I nodded sipping the water. 
"His a wonderful boy-"
"He is but mum... he wanted to sleep with her!"
"You don't know that."
"Please mum... can we not talk about this again... I feel ill enough, I don't need to be reminded even more about why I'm here." I pulled myself up off the floor leaving the glass behind. "Can we go out and get McDondals?" I asked as my tummy rumbled. 
"I don't think that's a good idea M. You just were sick." I agreed with my mum not to go out even though I craved McD's so much, I controlled myself and Mummy made me some noddles as well as a bowl for herself of course. 

We sat on the sofa, which hadn't been changed just yet. Still that brown leather sofa with a hand made patch blanket thrown over it with the wooden coffee table in front of it. The stone fire wasn't lite unlike the last time I was in here which was just after the new year. We both sat there with our bowls of noddles and a blanket over our laps as we watch a replay of Downton Abbey. 
"Mum...?" I broke the silence which I felt comfortable in but something was puzzling me, "do you think I'm... well I've been sick a lot and hungry, I've also missed a month..." My mum's face whipped around to my direction, "do you think you're pregnant?" I felt my eyes widen. "Of course I'm not!"
"Do you think we should check just in case?" 
"...Ok... I'll go out tomorrow to get a test." 

I felt the same when I thought I was pregnant with Harmony. It wasn't meant to happen. Is it happening again? Am I carrying another one of Harry's babies? 


One Chapter to go people!!!
Or excited to see what happens at the end?

Still debating if I should write a sequel or start a new story which I hope you would read ^_^
It would mean a lot. Anyway, leave any comments on how your feeling about the story coming to a close! 

~Aly xoxox

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