Chapter Thirty-three

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Harry's eyes glanced up from the crib, he looked awkward and smiled "...hi..." I chuckled at my awkward boyfriend as I walked back to the front door. I opened the door not actually looking, I was too busy looking at the bedroom door of Harmony's room which was wide open showing Harry still sitting next to Harmony's bed with his hand holding hers as she fell softly to sleep with the sound of Harry's beautiful voice.
"Hello?" A very formula voice said, an American voice, my head turned to see a young blonde, very tall girl standing in front of me. "Taylor?" I said raising my eyebrows. I was blown away by the fact that Taylor Swift was outside my apartment door.
"Can I help you?" I asked holding the door open, "I just would like to speak to-"
"Harry?" I butted in knowing she didn't want Harry, she wanted to talk to me. I have a gut feeling,
"No. I want to talk to you." My stomach twisted into knots, "ok." I closed the front door slowly behind me. I didn't want to talk to Taylor because I felt like something bad was going to happen after such a perfect day: Today I became a wife-to-be to the man I love, my dreams are becoming true a full happy family for Harmony to grow up with, amazing friends who gets along with both Harry, Harmony and myself. I had this feeling that the only reason that Taylor has come here is the break everything, she doesn't realise how much I've gone through to get to were I am now.
So I told her, I listened to her.

"I just wanted to inform you that, since I have been in London so like the last like 3 days your boyfriend has been unfaithful to you. He text me when I had been her for a day to met him in Starbucks and I did, unaware of you two dating. He didn't stop touching me, he never mentioned you at all! So I through he liked me..." My heart sunk to the floor. I felt sick. I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest, thrown on to the floor and crushed then put back into me.
"So... we...-"
"Oh my god..." I put my hand on my chest whilst I burning holes through the floor with my eyes.
"He rang me up at like I dunno what time but night. Then he came to my hotel..."
"My Harry?" She nodded as a tear rolled down my face. "And-"
"You, you didn't ask? You didn't think about it. We've been on the news, America and England don't tell me you didn't know about us." She started to mutter a word but I cut her off "I think you should go..." Her mouth opened like a fish "GO!" I shouted. I lost my temper for the first time in a long time, I couldn't hear anymore, I didn't want to hear anything anyway, I was hoping there wasn't anything wrong, I was hoping there wasn't anymore... I felt confused, angry, betrayed, crazy, stressed, pissed, sad... so so so sad and most importantly...Heartbroken...
I turned around to the door, I stood there and stared. I stared at the door not intending to go through it. I didn't want to face that man no! Not a man a silly, stupid boy who thinks it's right to cheat on me. I pulled my sleeves over my hand, pushing it across my face taking away the tears off my face. Not leaving a trace of the tears that fell.

I opened the door, taking a deep breath I crept back into the apartment to see Harry closing Harmony's bedroom door carefully. I started walking over to him with the feeling of my stomach in my mouth, that was until I saw his phone on the work top in the kitchen. I stopped in my tracks slipping his phone carefully off the marble top into my pocket. Harry walked up to me asking "who was that?" I lied to him, "oh someone looking for someone, they didn't know which flat it was." I forced a smile to my lips. Harry placed his hands on my hips, as he usually does but I felt wrong, he went to kiss me on the lips but I turned my head making his lips connect with my cheek. I looked down at the floor feeling that feeling once again. Sick. I wanted to cry but I kept it hidden inside. Hiding my tears is something I've learnt to be good at, but when it's with someone as important to you as Harry is to me... it all seems to get ten times harder.
I could feel Harry's eyes looking at me with sadness in them, could he detect me feeling as I do? Harry's hands slid off my hips so slowly making me think he could. Our heart were fluting to the floor like confetti. I felt betrayed; he felt betrayed. But we felt betrayed in to different, very different ways. He; confused, worried, scared of what is happening. Me; every bad, sad, sick emotions that human beings can feel.
"I'm not going to be here the next two days, making a music video... in America?" I still stared at the floor slowly moving away from Harry's body. I said nothing. "Do you wanna come?"
"I better look after Harmony." My hands started to shake.
"Yeah..." Harry started walking away to the bedroom. I smelt Harry's jumper that's when I felt a tear roll peacefully down my cheek. Harry's foot steps stopped, "You coming to bed?"
"I'm not tired yet.." I flopped myself down on the sofa putting my back to Harry as I looked out over the dark city called London. "Ok." Harry loves his cuddles, it helps him get to sleep. Especially when he is going away or on tour! It helps him a lot. He asks me to put a lot of perfume on so my smell sinks into his skin. Making it seem like I'm always there. As if he never left.
Another tear fell.
I looked across the room to see a kazoo on the table which Harry was trying to teach Harmony to play the day after her third birthday which they shared, both getting a kazoo each. That day Hammie said 'I love mummy and Daddy' for the first time, making my heart melt.
Another tear fell.
Then another.
And another,
More and more tears fell down my cheek as memories of our happy times flooded my mind. All the smiles, laughter, jokes.

I heard never heard Harry flick off the bedroom light and in the glass of the large window I could see a slight reflection of the glow coming from the bedroom. He wasn't awake, I know he wasn't but he knows me. He knows I'll come back to him if he hasn't done anything wrong. It's a little test he always does. We have been in a fight once before. Nothing too major. Not like this, but this isn't even a fight yet. This is pain.
I wanted to know show him I knew what he had done. So I laid my head down on the pillow on the sofa, trying to make myself comfortable which was hard. I carried on sobbing until I fell asleep.

Next day...

My eyes struggled to open. Everything was blurred, hard to make out detail of anything. The sofa no longer felt like leather but soft. My neck hurt a little but not as much as it would if I had slept on a sofa all night. My eyes forced to see that I wasn't in the living room anymore, I was cosy in my bed but... no one beside me...
I struggled to sit up but when I did a note was sat on the bedside table. I picked it up after I rubbed my sore eyes to see Harry's hand writing on the paper, 'I don't understand what I have done but I am really, extremely sorry. I hope you don't mind but I took Harmony with me, so I can bond with her a little more also it gives you time to be the girl I fell in love with. When I get back we can work it all out! I promise. ~ Love from' A tear hit the paper smugging Harry's name. I reid the letter several times before I could bring myself to getting out of bed.

I pulled my hair up into a messy bun, not bothering to look in the mirror because I was scared to face myself. I didn't want to see the mess I am, I can tell already by the way I feel inside. My head told me to get away for a while, to go home. So, I got a suitcase and filled it with my clothes. My hands shook as I closed the case. I sat down on the end on the bed taking one deep breathe after another. "What happens if she was lying..." I said to myself.

My lips quivered and my body started to shake like a leaf. I looked down at my hand to see my sprinkling diamond ring staring me in the face. All the happiness yesterday evaporated into the clouds, showering me with sadness. If I could turn back time, I would have never opened that door. Behind that door was the opening of this, of this pain.
This was the point I remembered I have Harry's phone. I took it out of my pocket and throw it into my suitcase.

I walked out of the bedroom, out of the apartment completely with a slam of the door I was gone.


I know this one was kind of short but this isn't the end yet!

I reckon two chapters to go!

Then that will be the end of this story.

~Aly xoxox

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