Chapter Twenty!

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"There it is." Harry pointed to a house near the end the lane we were driving down. I was still a little shaken up from the Nightmare. I looked in the mirror to check if my make-up was ok. I had tear marks on my face which I quickly blended in. 

Harry pulled into the driveway of the house, he had a beaming smile on his face making him more cute than normal "aww your so cute." He put his hands under his chin ((GIF)) "even cuter." I laughed. He laughed along with me as he turned the car off. "Right lets go!" He his opened the car door then reached across me to open mine. He looked up at me with puckered lips, I lent down giving him a little peck on the lips. 

He pulled himself up and out of the car closing the door loudly behind him causing Harmony to brust into tears. "Well done Harry..." I jumped out the car with my handbag. "Shh..." I tried to quiet Harmony down as I opened the car door. I picked her up then she stopped crying. "We are at your Nana's!" I tapped her nose with my finger making her giggle. 

Harry was getting all the suitcases out of the which we must of been the reason he packed it the way he did because when he pulled one bag out the rest came out with it! "Clever." I winked, walking around to the boot. "Lets leave them here. Lets go say Hello then bring the stuff in." I nodded and Harmony nodded along too.

Harry took my spare hand in his as he lead me to the front door. He rang the doorbell. We waited for a moment in silence until the door swung open with a smiling women who was very pretty I have to say. "Hello!" She kissed Harry on the cheek, "I've missed you Harry. You must be Melony?" Harry laughed "mum, its Melody." She laughed, her laugh wasn't anything like Harry's. "Oh, I'm sorry. Harry, is this your-" Harry's mum paused, her eyes flicked from Harmony to me to Harry, "your child?" Harry smiled "Yep!" His hand tightened its grip on mine. I love how proud his voice sounded but how nervous he really was. "Hammie, this is you Nana, say hello." I said to Harmony who waved with a great big smile on her little face. "She's wonderful Harry." Her eyes teared up a little "you a father. I'm a grandmother."

"I won't cry, I won't cry!" She waved her hands to try to stop the tears from falling, "come in, Joe will get your bags. You'll be sleeping in his little house thing outside." 

Harry stepped into the house first followed by me who was still linked to his hand. "Sorry but what's your name? Harry told me but I have the worst memory known to man." I smiled sweetly turning towards Harry's mum who was closing the front door, "Anne Cox, just call me Anne." 

"Anne do you want to hold Harmony?" 

"I would love too!" I tried to move forward but Harry still had a tight grip on my hand, not letting me go. "Babe?" I looked at Harry then my hand, he was in his own world that I knocked him out of. "Sorry..." He smiled showing off those amazing dimples of his. 

I handed Harmony over to Anne. She Happily held Harmony, "Harry she has your Hair!" Harmony was doing her usually; Clapping and chuckling. "She'll lovely isn't she. She has my eyes... Harry's hair and her own cute laugh." I smiled proudly at Harmony. Like I said before, I smile every time I look at Harmony. She has cheerful glow about her which makes her so adorable! "Harry would you get your step-dad please hunny?" Anne asked Harry kindly. Harry did as he was told, leaving his Mum and Me alone together. "So what did your parents think when you had Harmony?" This is were the bounding (hopefully) begins. 

"Well, my mum was a bit annoyed but she got over it quickly however... my Dad. He kicked my pregnant ass out of his house... I lost my job, my boyfriend dumped me because I had cheated on him plus I was having a child. I haven't had a job or boyfriend till now. Well, I still don't have a job. My mum pays for my house I live in now. Which is lovely of her, me and my mum are very close. It's funny cause her name is Anna and yours is Anne." To be honest it was funny at all, I just wanted to lighten the mood. I just told Harry's mum that he basically distorted my life. Now after saying my life-story, I wish I lighten it up, not so true... so I added "however now, I have a loving boyfriend and the most cutest baby ever. I couldn't thank Harry enjoy to be frank." 

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