Chapter four □

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..."Melody we need to talk!" Harry said out of breathe as he finally reached me. "A lone...?" He looked at the cute little girl, Lily, who was still standing dead still. "Hey sweet do you think you could wait outside for a minute?" Liam came up behind Harry, almost like magic "I'll look after her." He beamed. "Come on Lily, we can do what ever you want! As long it doesn't get me in trouble." Liam took Lily's hand and walked away with her. I mouthed to Liam 'Thank you.' when he turned around.

"Melody." Harry started. "Can." he stopped and took a deep breathe in. "Can I see... Harmony...?" He remembered her name! And mine. 10 points to Harry Styles! "Sure but I'm that lying crazy fan bitch who says I have given birth to your child but I haven't listen to a full sound of yours so I have to be the crazy loco fan!" I turned around he grabbed my wrist. "I didn't mean that!" His deep voice said softly. "Well you said it! If it had meaning or not, it hurt!" I tried to pull my arm out of his grip but it didn't work. "If I could some how turn back fucking time and take my words which I said to you back I would!" He almost shouted at me. "Well... YOU CAN'T-"

"I KNOW I CAN'T!!" He did shout this time. "...Can I see her or not?" His voice calmed. "yeah... I don't have a car. It was stolen..." I realized I was still in the cold rain so was Harry for that matter. His hair had dropped onto his face over those beautiful eyes of his. "I'll drive."

"What about Lily?"

"Lily will be fine with the boys. Liam is basically one himself, to be honest we all are." I laughed a little. "Well should we go? Or do you like standing in the freezing rain?" He smirk, wow his such a pretty boy!

He kept hold of my hand and pulled me around the back of the building where a garage was. Harry let go of my arm and pulled the large metal door open. A big, expensive car was sitting shinning at us. Land Rover, big and black shiny thing. "Wow." I walked into the dry concrete room. Harry followed me then came in front, opening the car door like a gentle man for me. "Thank you." I smiled. He smiled back.

I watched him walk around the car to the drivers side of the car. I got my phone out of my jean pocket, I text my mum saying 'Mum. I'll be at home in 1 hour! I'll text u when I'm there but be out as soon as!' I locked my phone and slid it back into my pocket as Harry strapped himself into the car which looked a bit hard for him as his hand was shaking. "Here," I took the belt off him. "I'll do it for you." I pulled it across his body and locked in it into place. "Thanks." He whispered. "Just the thought I am a dad, shakes me up a bit." He put the key into the car. "How do you think I felt when I found out I was a mum?" I laughed trying not to start another argument, he started pulling a weird face. "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to think what it would be like to find out I was a mum. But now I can't cause you stopped my train of thought!"

"Don't hurt yourself." I giggled.

Half an hour later...

"So how old is she?"

"Nearly a year old in two months."

"She was born in February?"

"The first." He looked away from the road to me then back to the road. "February 1st?"

"Yes Harry, February the first!"

"That's my birthday..." He repeat the looking at the road then me thing. "That's weird." I looked at the floor. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to read the text from Mum. 'I'm going to Tesco anyway in 10 mins. will you be home by then?' She doesn't even ask why I want her out of the house? 'Hopefully.'

"Shes still small then?"


"I can't believe I'm a dad. And that I can't remember anything about that night..."

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