Chapter Twenty-two

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The door bell rang. "I'll get it." I said to Harry pulling myself off of the sofa next to him. "No you don't!" He grabbed my waist pulling me back down. He wouldn't let me do anything; lay out the table, ring up the Chinese, do the washing up, not even wash up the burned food off the pots and pans. I should be doing this not him; I'm not the leaving to go to do my job. He is. I've tried to tell him this about a million times! But he just wouldn't listen. 

I watched Harry to the door and hang over the money to the delivery man. He kindly said "thanks mate" then brought the food away from the door way and cold air into the warm house. 

I got off the sofa as he walked past. He reached out one hand, not even looking at me, he pushed my chest "stay!" He put on his unserious but serious face on. I simply huffed, “Why can’t I-” he just shot me a look raising his eyebrows and widening his eyes saying “Shhh!” I chuckled to myself.

I left Harry to lay all the pre-made food out on the table. Taking the hot plates out the oven (using oven gloves) When he finished he aloud me to come in to the dinning room.

There was a candle in the middle of the table while the lights where dimmed. It was truly romantic! He has acted so sweet all ever since Paul, whom I found out is his manger! Or should I say the boy’s manger. I’m kind of happy that Paul bloke was taking Harry away for a while because then his all cuddly towards me like a teddy bear.

“Harry this is wonderful.” I sat down in a chair smiling at the boy across the table, “well what can I say.” He said before putting a fork full of noodles into his mouth.

Throughout the meal Harry would make me try some of his food (the food he likes but I haven’t had before) If I didn’t want it he would pull a puppy dog face and make me eat it. He would reach over the table with a fork or spoonful of food and feed me. It was cute. At the end he was flicking rice at me. I flicked some back. It was getting stuck into Harry lush brown curls making him more tasty than normal.

“Finished?” I asked pulling some food out of my hair “emm yeah.” He flung his hair around and licking his lips as he always does throwing the little pieces of rice around the dining room floor.  I stood up picking up a plate as I did so. “No-”  

“I’m cleaning up! Go put, I dunno, Love Actually on.” I picked up his plate placing it on top of mine then few bowls balanced on top of the plates. “Fine… Do you want some like wine or something?” I heard Harry say as I walked carefully into the kitchen. “Yes please.” I put the plates and bowls next to the sink and turned around to get the last things off the table when a tall mop headed boy blocked my path, “Red or White?” I pulled a grain off rice out of his hair as I replied “red.”

“Sure thing love.” He moved out of my way to get two clean glasses and a bottle of red wine.

Whilst Harry poured wine and set up the DVD. I washing up as I sung ‘Dreams are a wish your heart makes’ from the Disney movie, Cinderella. I changed my track to ‘let it snow’ getting myself into a Christmassy mood ready for the amazing Christmassy movie Love Actually, a shared favourite of mine and Harry’s.

“Baby?” Harry called “Yeah!” I shouted back “Your phone is ringing!”

“Who is it?”

“Lottie?” I little screamed quietly running into the living room where Harry was standing in the middle of the room with my Iphone ringing the ‘Kim Possible’ theme tone (I love Disney you see). I grabbed it out of his hand. Answering it;

“Hello Lolly!”

“Hola! Guess where I went today?”

“No you didn’t!”

“Yes I did!”

“Did the paparazzi get any photos?”

“Yep! Niall was so sweet about it though.”

“Awww! So where did you go? What did you do? Did you kiss!?” I throw myself down into the sofa pulling the cover over my legs, “Well… He took me out to a Zoo…” I chuckled a little “a zoo?”

“I know. It was good though. He held my hand and feed the animals with me! The Donkeys!!!”

“Oh I know how much you like your donkeys. Oh what about the goats? Did you feed them!?” Harry came to sit next to me looking at me in a funny way probably thinking ‘what is she talking about…’ he just shock his head and laughed as I carried on talking and listening. “Did you kiss him?”


“Did you kiss him?!”

“Yes I kissed him!” We both let put a squeal “was it a passionate one?”

“Sadly no, just a sweet kiss good-bye.”

“Now that is cute. You wanna know my first kiss; you know when we meet again. He wrapped his arms around my waist while I was in the kitchen. He was kissing my neck –reminding you that we have only just met again like 3 hours earlier!” She laughed down the phone “gotta love Harry huh?”

“Yeah… gotta love him.” I looked at Harry who was wanted to play the movie “babe can I play the movie?” He asked in a hushed voice. “Sure Hun.” As Harry’s finger pressed play I had to say good-bye to Lottie because I don’t want to miss any of the movie even though I’ve watched it about ten million times!

I told Lottie why I had to go. She automatically said I could go. We said our good-byes then I ended the call.

I snuggled down into Harry as he wrapped his arm around my waist “she ok?” I nodded with a smile “She went on a date with Niall.” Then I told him everything about the date I had found out. “When I see Niall, I’ll ask him about it and then I’ll ring you.” I laughed “Ok babe.” You have to hear both sides of the story to know if it was really good or not.

Half-way through the movie I got a text from mum “I want to see you before Christmas, without Harry.” I felt my tummy turn, I don’t know why but it did “You ok?” Harry asked rubbing my shoulder with his thumb “I just got a text from Mum… She says she wasn’t to see me…” I looked up at him “without you…”

“Well I could drop you off there then go. Mum and Joe will understand.” Harry smiled down at me, I smiled back. “Yeah…”

We watched the end of the movie then Anne and Joe came home. I told them about what my mum text me. Harry was right, they understood. I help Harry pack his stuff and Harry helped me pack mine and Harmony’s stuff.

After than we chilled in bed with Harmony laying in between us in deep sleep. Slowly I fell asleep, thinking about tomorrow and to the thought of “Why does Mum really want to see me?


Hellooooo Chummies!

They is gonna be some amazing chapters coming up!!

I'm sorry it's been awhile since my last Chapter. I've been pretty busy with School and stuff. 

Also I'm dedicating this Chapter to @BeckaBooForever. She is my Best Friend EVER! She has bloody amazing stories! Which I highly recommend! They are One Direction Fan Fics. Shes lovely! And I love her because she is the bestest friend I could ever ask for! 




Aly xoxox


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