Chapter 11 □

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I had a dream last night that Harry brought the boys around and were playing in the snow, while Harry himself was playing with Harmony on the floor next to the Patio doors. He would be point at the boys outside and making funny noises to make Harmony laugh. The guys outside, his 'band' mates would be making snow man and throwing snow balls as it had snowed the night.

I fluttered my eye lids open. I sat up and I was no longer on the floor but someone else was. "Harry?" I yawned as I stretching myself awake with my eyes closed. "Your awake! 1st of December, isn't Harmony?" My eyes shot opened, Harry was on the floor with Harmony, playing. Maybe what I thought was a dream wasn't a dream after all. It was reality. "Why are you in my house Harry? How did I get on the sofa? Whose outside?!" I looked out the patio doors, two handsome young lads where making snowmen! Throwing snowballs are each other like children. It was cute. I loved doing that, when I was a teenager, well I still would! "Well, I wanted to come over this morning because the boys wanted to meet Harmony really badly! As well as you! I wanted to see you too. I text you but you didn't reply-"

"So you still came over?" I twisted my legs off the sofa, I tucked the blanket which over my body under my legs to keep me warm. "We drove over and your mum was leaving and let us in." Harmony giggled as she crawled over to me "Morning sweetie." I lean down to pick her up but she giggled again and went back to her to play with his toes. I smiled at what she was doing, Harmony always makes me smile, anything she does makes me smile to be honest. "Who put me on the sofa?" I asked still watching Harmony, "Me."

"Whose outside?"

"Louis and Zayn" Explain why there are four Starbucks coffee's on the table with their names on them but one was a hot chocolate, for me. "Did you get me a hot chocolate?" I asked reaching for the cup. Harry nodded, Harmony was crawling all over Harry. "Harmony come to mummy a second." I said taking a sip out of the hot chocolate. Harmony came over to me, I picked her up "you like your daddy don't you." I kissed her on the head as she start to play with my hair, "how long you have you been here?" I asked Harry, he looked like he wanted Harmony back so I put her back on the floor back she sat by my feet and started to play with my toe and the blanket. "A long time! Been hanging out with Harmony the whole time though."

A snowball hit the window making Harmony jump, she started to cry then laugh? I was confused until I actually looked at the window. A guy was playing faces at Harmony then was joined by another. "That's Louis," Harry pointed to one who wasn't dressed to be in the snow "and that's Zayn." He pointed to the other guy who looked like Aladdin.

They both came inside to say hello, Harmony clapped and laughed. Harmony hardly cries, it's pretty rare when shes around people she likes. She laughs and claps most the time. "Your daughter is so cute! Her and Lux would get on well I think?" Louis looked at me then Harry "Lux?" I questioned, he can't have a kid as well as Harry! "She's our make-up artists baby, we look after her a lot."

"Oh, I think she likes you." Harmony want crawling up to the beaming away. "Do you have any Christmas decorations?" Zayn asked as he picked up Harmony "yeah all in the loft, you guys wanna put them up?" They obviously wanted to or he won't of asked in the first place. "Harmony do you want to?" Louis asked Harmony who did what she always does, giggled and clapped. "Take that as a yes." I laughed so did they.


We spent the rest of the day putting up Christmas stuff, I won't even be here for Christmas but it was still nice and fun to do. I got to know Louis and Zayn. You see, I get along with boys quicker than girls, always have probably always will. But if there is a girl like my best friend Lotti is the same as me we get along with boys more but when we talked to each we got along so quickly it was weird for us.

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