Chapter Five □

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..."Home sweet home."

"WAAAAA!!!" I hear screaming from the bedroom "Harmony!" I say under my breathe. My shoes came off my feet as if the knew what to do. I ran into the bedroom door the corridor. "WAAAA!!!" Oh I hate it when she cries, oh it hurts to hear her screaming, crying. Needing something but I don't really know what. "Shh! Shh..." As soon as I picked her up her crying stopped. This time, she need me.

I rocked her back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth saying "Mummy is home." over and over.

I locked eyes with Harmony. Until Harmony's eyes looked at the doorway. Harry was leaning on the door frame. "Came here." I say to Harry not actually looking at him. I just smiled at my baby girl smiling at Harry, who was smiling at her.

Harry slowly made his way over to me, side by side, he and myself stood smiling at the little girl. "You wanna hold her?" I asked looking up at the dark haired boy. "You sure?" He looked down at me with a sparkle in his eyes. "She's yours too." I passed Harry Harmony. I wasn't scared that Harry would drop her, he looked like his looked after a baby before. With his strong arms and large hands holding the babied body and head what's to worry about. "She beautiful..." Harry shins. "She has your eyes, you know?" I say he looks at me then Harmony. "So she does."

"So you believe me then?"


"Maybe, isn't good enough."

"I want her to be."

"Why don't you believe me then?"

"I won't let myself... It's a scary thought to one minute you think your a single ready to mingle guy next your a fucking father to a children you didn't know was alive! You see what I mean right?" I stroked Harmony on the head. Her hair is growing now, light brown but I can't be certain because the hairs are so thin and small. Harmony was in her own world, dream world, fast asleep in harry's strong arms. "I do, I see, but see never falls asleep in anyone else's arms but mine."


"And you must mean something to her." I was watched the little baby sleep and I could feel Harry's eyes watching me. I felt the need and I don't know why but I did something, something I wouldn't normally do! No one would normally do it really... I quickly kissed Harry on the cheek which made him blush a little. I walked off into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

"What was that for?"

I laughed and pulled off my clothes.

~Harry's P.O.V.~

The boys would love this girl! She pretty, seems smart (well not the smartest cause she did end up pregnant at a young age...) she can be fun, shes cool. I like her I guess. I think I kind of fancy her. I wish I didn't lash out at her earlier though... but maybe things wouldn't of been the same. Like the kiss, on the cheek? It might of not happened. But I'm glad it did! Perhaps I should ask her out, on a date.

I didn't want to shout so I knocked on the bathroom door which was connected to the bedroom. "Hey babe?" I said quietly though the crack in the door. "Yeah?" Her voice muffled but the glass on the shower and water falling on her face. "Erm, would you like to go on a date? I mean we don't have to if you don't want-"

"I would love- I mean sure!" I laugh quietly and walked away from the bathroom door. "Help yourself to food if your hungry Harry!" Melody shouted through as I wondered into the living-dinner. It was a large (ish) room with a kitchen, dining room and also link with the living room. It had a nice view of a green clean cut grass garden. It was very pretty and very cute. The kitchen was vintage creamy cabins and cupboards. A Baby blue American fridge sat in the corner next to the gas cooker. I made my way out of the kitchen with a slice of cold pizza from the almost empty fridge. I stood in the living room, brown leather (bit tatty) sofas, medium sized telly and a dark brown coffee table in the middle. The floor was wooden and as I walked I listened to the sound of my shoes hitting it. 'Tap. Tap. Tap.' my shoes went. 'Drip. Drip. Drip.' Went Melody's clean wet feet on the wood. She was wearing only a white towel holding itself up on her body as she tied her hair into a bun.

"That all you could find huh?" She said opening the fridge. "Yeah, sorry you hungry?" I asked looking at my slice of pizza. "Just a bit." She giggle, I love how honest she is... "Want a bite?" She hoisted the towel up then walked over to me. I held out the slice near her mouth and she placed her warm watery hands on my arm to keep it still "I didn't want to bite your fingers." She said with her mouth full. "Thanks. Very lady like." She laughed putting her hand over her mouth so she won't spit at me. "You still wanna go on a date with me?" She smiled, swallowing the mouthful. "Very much so!" I replied. "I have to go, but I'll pick you up at 7 ok?" I put my hand on her wet arm, "Ok, don't stand me up boy!" I laughed "I wouldn't do such a thing."

I kissed her on the cheek and walked towards the door...

~Melody's P.O.V.~

He kissed me this time! I think I could kiss them for hours... so soft wow, his so sweet to me. Maybe his always like this, why did he day what he did earlier though. I know she said his scared and worried but, something just doesn't feel right. I don't want to think about it, he is lovely to me and I want to keep it that way!

I went over to the door to say 'good-bye' to Harry for now. I pulled my towel up again before hugging Harry. I pulled away from the hug and Harry's thin top was damp. "Sorry..." I bite my lip. "It's ok I'll change later."

"Do you really have to go now?"

"Why? Do you want me to stay?" I did, I have to admit. "Nooo.." I said sarcastically like a little girl wanting something or in trouble and trying to get away with doing it. "I'll stay?" I could literally kiss this guy right now as he closes the front door. "You can meet my mum when she gets back"

"I could. Yeah?"

"Thank you!" I hugged him again making is t-shirt more wet. "Sorry..." I bite my lip, looking at Harry's top. It is almost see through now (I'm not complaining!) "Take it off and I'll put it on the heater." I say walking into the bedroom, I put on my underwear and walked back out to Harry who was shirt-less. "If someone walked in now it would be embarrassing." Harry winked handing my his top. "Just a bit." I put it on a heater back in the bedroom, were I pulled on a pair of worn and torn jeans and a loss top with Rolling Stones lips on the front. Harry came in smiling "you like the Rolling Stones?!"

"Very much! Talking about Rolling Stones, you look like Mick Jagger... Don't tell me his your Dad and you were like his love child? Cause then I could say it runs in the family." I winked, he laughed. "No I'm not, sadly, pretty cool if I was!" I nodded as I leaned over Harmony's crib and kissed her on the forehead. She was still sleeping soundly.

I took Harry's hand and lead him out of the room. I closed the door behind me, "let her sleep." I still kept hold of his hand and took him into the kitchen. "Cuppa?" I asked turning to

Harry, whom was smiling like a Chester cat. "Where you from?" I asked as I let go of his large hand. "Chester!"

"Explains your smile then." I laughed flicking the kettle on. I picked two cups out of the cupboard above my head. "Sugar?" He nodded. I put a teaspoon of sugar in the cups with a tea bag. "So... When will your mum be back?" Harry wondered into the living room. "30 minutes or so." I smiled as the kettle stop boiling. "Why?" I asked. "Just wondered."

I poured the water into the cups, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, "Can I kiss you?" ...




Everything is coming together! But will Melody's mum like Harry? Will she approve?

Sorry it's taken longer to get the one out but the next one will be out sooner.

Love you guys.

Keep reading.



Fan :D


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