Chapter Fifteen

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Show time. Show time. The words swam around my mind. I'm turning famous without doing anything. All I did was find Harry then everything else fell into place or has it fallen out of place. My quite life being a mother, looking after my daughter. Being happy just the to of us. Having friends over every now and then. Seeing my mum every other day. My life won't go back to that. Will I miss it? Maybe? 

"See you boys in a minute. Melody Hun your coming with me!" Alan waited for Harry's hand to slip off my side. I kissed him using my tip toes to do so. I told him I'll be watching, and I warned him that I might laughed at him or if I make him laugh I was sorry. But really I wasn't. I love his smile and laugh. "Bye Harry, bye boys see you later." I waved to them as Alan pulled me away into the set. 

"You can sit here." There was a spare seat at the front which was mine now. "I'll try not to embarrass you too much, I can't promise much though." He patted me on the head like a dog as I took to my seat. 

All the audience came back to get their seats, I was in someones seat. I apologized and got out of the seat. I moved onto the steps in between the two sides where the audience sit. I sat on the 3rd step up so I could have a nice comfortable seat? Alan gave the person who got me out of their seat a dirty look. I laughed.

A man stood in the corner of the room holding a card saying clap, the cameras must be rolling again. So everyone did what they were told and clapped including me. 

"Welcome back to CHATTY MAN!" Alan started to talk to the camera/audience. "Now we have the world wide heart throbs," I started to fan girl (fake fan girling) along with some other who were actually fan girling "ONE DIRECTION!" The screams started. I clapped when they came on. Harry looked at me and blushed, I blow him a kiss and he court it and winked at me. I signed him 'I <3 U' he did it back. I bite my lip because this is basically his work, because work in the world I would say but I don't know what its like to be on his side of the camera yet.

I couldn't stop smiling even if I tried I couldn't. 

But when Alan turned to Harry a big butterfly hit me in the stomach. "so whose the single pringle?" Niall put his hand up, "aww you'll find a girl soon!" Alan put his hand on his heart "but Harry, you've been busy haven't you?" Harry took a sip of his drink "don't know what you mean?" A picture came up on the TV behind the drink globe. It was of me and him kissing in Costa. Then another of us at the restaurant with my hand in his pocket. Then another and another. Then three put into one picture. "Oh you know what I'm talking about!" Harry's cheeks blush "that's my girlfriend." He smiled proudly, he drank a little more of his drink. "I really like her. She amazing." He glanced over at me making me blush.

A lady next to me lent down "is that your boyfriend?" she asked "yes, yes it is." I smiled not taking my eyes off Harry. "Why are siting on the steps then?" 

"Alan told me too." She laughed "your joking right?" I shock my head "Harry is my boyfriend and Alan told me to sit here!" My voice raised from a whisper, "every teenage-" 

"I'm not a teenager, I am 22 and I have a child!" 

"Still-" The worst but best thing happened next, Alan pointed me out "oh look its her now, I never asked her to sit there!" His squeaky voice laughed. The cameras turned to me, good thing I looked ok today. I had make-up on and my hair up nicely but not neat it was mess just how I like it. I was wearing something nice so it wasn't too bad. 

I looked at the women who said I wasn't going out with Harry. She had a shocked face, I smirked. "Come up here!" Alan got out of his chair tripping over his own feet. He came over to me taking hold of both of my hands pulling me to my feet. "Isn't she pretty!" He skipped with me over to the purple velvet sofa where there wasn't really any room for me. "Would you like a drink?" 

"Yes please." He picked a different bottles then a bottle of beer, god knows how old it could of been but I only really like beer. "Gimme!" I said in a childish voice as if the beer bottle was my milk bottle. Harry laughed. "Where should I sit?" I asked looked at the full sofa. "You can sit here if you want I'll move." Harry picked up his glass and stood up, "no, no. Don't move Harry, I'll sit on the floor."

"Are you sure?" I nodded with a smile Harry sat back down. I sat on the floor crossed legged between his legs. Alan opened the beer passing it to me. I took a swig out of the bottle as Alan asked me  "explain the pictures!" 

"Well, that one they were in Costa getting all lovie-dovie on us!" Niall spoke up. "I have know idea what that one is?" Louis pointed to the one when we were at the restaurant with my hand in his back pocket and his arm around my waist. "I do, that was that date Harry was going on and on about it!" I looked up at Harry who was blushing. "Oh yeah, when he came home late the next day!" 

"Oh Harry!" Alan hit Harry's knee. Harry put his elbows onto his knees putting his hands over his face in embarrassment. I ran my finger through his curly locks and rubbed his neck. "We just slept together as in sleeping not sex!" Harry throw himself backwards still with his hands over his face. "What ever you say..." Alan winked at me "we never asked your name!"

"Melody Holly." I smiled gently, "Melody Styles! How cute does that sound!" Alan clapped his hands together reminding me of Harmony. Whom was having fun with Ed (hopefully) Ed should be looking after her nicely like he did earlier. I had trust in him.

"So Christmas is coming up! How do you plan to spend it?" 

"I'm spending it with my girlfriend, Perrie." Zayn nodded happily. "I'm going to my girlfriends family with her for Christmas too." Liam smiled, "same, Eleanor is coming with me to parents." 

"I'm going home to Ireland!" Niall put his hand up "cause I'm the single pringle." Everyone awed. I felt sorry for Niall he was such a lovely lad... but I don't think he'll be single for long with Lottie around! "Harry?" Alan turned to him, "I need to ring my mum actually... hopefully we are going to go to my mum's place for Christmas!" Harry put his hands on my shoulders. I held it with one of my hands on top of his. "Harry you must do that." I looked up at Harry again, "yes, yes."

Harry rolled his eyes "don't cha roll your eyes at me!" I winked. 

The interview went on. 

At the end Alan challenged to dancing competition, because last time they did it the boys won. Alan made me go on his side even though I didn't want to do it. However, I took several dancing classes with Lottie and Selena who is a burlesque dancer who now lives in France. So I put on a mini show for everyone. Before we started I told them about going to the dancing classes and about my friend. Harry smirked at me, I've never told him about it, I think he liked the thought of it though. 

"Play it DJ!" 

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