Chapter Thirty-one

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That night, I fell in love with Harry more than I ever thought I would. Truthfully I didn't think I could fall in love with him more than I already did. Something happened last night which made my heart skip a beat... Harry Edward Styles, asked me to ...You'll see... 

"Ow! Harry it hurts so bad!" Harry was drawing a heart on to my middle finger. "Babe, I'll make it better trust me." He looked up at me, stopping the tattoo needle. He smiled up at me before pecking me on the lips sweetly. "See. Better." He nuzzled my nose with his. I smiled to myself as he got back to finishing the heart. He wrote a 'H' in the middle of it. "My turn." 

but something wasn't right. This morning when I woke-up next to him, he was already awake. Like he didn't sleep that night. "Harry? Babe. You ok?" I lift my head off of my human pillow, his chest. "Err yeah. Yeah I'm good." He was flicking through things, probably tweets on his phone. "You don't sound it. Harry?" I took my cold hand as put them on his face, forcing him to look at me. "What's wrong?" 
"Nothing Babe. Nothing." He kissed me on the top of the head lightly and placed his phone down on the floor of the tent. 
"Yeah." I looked up at him with a sweet smile on my face. "Could you meet me by the lake in an hour. I have a surprise for you and I know how much you like surprises." He kissed the tip of my nose before I let him sit up. 

Harry stood up and attempted to get dressed in the tent which was incredible funny to watch. First he wiggled on his pants then pulled on his jeans then his t-shirt which showed off his half finished bird tattoo on his chest which also my a love bites I gave him on his neck very visible! He had red lipstick stains all over her body, arms, hands, neck chest. I had hickeys and more than just that one tattoo. I had a heart on my middle finger with a 'H' in it, also I had a tattoo of a infinity sign on the side of one of my fingers and another tattoo on my left hand saying 'won't stop till we surrender.' I was pretty sure I had one on my bum too because the top of one of my cheeks was stinging a little. 
"I'll see you later beautiful." He climbed down onto his knee and walked his hands up so he was basically doing a press up over the top of me and kissed me sweetly on my lips. I took hold of his face as I wanted the kiss to last longer which it did. 
Between kisses Harry's smile grow and he spoke "babe- I - have - go-" I nodded kissing him on last time. "You're going to kill me." He laughed kissing my lips again. "Go!" I chuckled pushing my hand against his chest. 

I got dressed in yesterday clothes before heading out of the tent. I got my phone out and saw texts from Harry. 
Harry: I can not think of enough words to explain how much I love you.xxxx
Me: Buy a dictionary then.xxxx
I laughed to myself as I picked up a phone call which just came up on my phone from mum. "Hey." I chuckled.
"Hey, do you know when you're coming home?" 
"Nope. Sorry mummy."
"Well I have to go to see the ladies today so can I leave Harmony in Zayn's and Niall's capable hands?" 
"Sure! Yeah."
"Alan, Alan Carr text me today asking if you and Harry wanted to go on his show next week?" 
"Really?! Just me and Harry?"
"Apparently so."
"That's crazy! Erm I'll have to ask Harry later."
"Oh and a Vogue wants you to come to their offices tomorrow at 1:45 to do an article and employ you as a model for... oh I can't remember."
"This has all happened over one night!!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing, people wanted to employ me? Interview me? This in nuts, and she hadn't finished yet! "As well, Grimmy from Radio 1, you know Harry's friends with him right?"
"Yeah, I met him at Harry's birthday."
"Well Harry and you are going to be on it all day Sunday. Well as long as Grimmy is on air." I couldn't speak so I let my mum do all of it, "I'm in Tesco right now and I have brought you a book to write all this in. I'll write this stuff in for you." 
"Mum, this is crazy. How can you be so calm about it!" 
"Trust me I went bonks when I got a text from Alan Carr! Then a email from Vogue and one from Radio one!!" We laughed about it. Me out of anyone of this planet you wouldn't think this would happen to. Many people have called me pretty, beautiful and hot but when Vogue want to employ you and your boyfriend is a heart throb you start to think. 
"You dare can't the way you are for the media-"
"Mum! I wouldn't!" I laughed into the phone. "Right, I better go because we've been on the hour for almost an hour now. I'm going to be late. So I'll see you later sweetie. Love you."
"Love you too mumma."

I put down the phone and went for a walk around the lake. Where I remember Harry parking the car was careless. "The- Wha-" I looked around pointing in the spot where the car was with a confused expression on my face. I shock my head and carried on walking singing songs quietly to myself "let's go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun..." 

Harry's P.O.V.

I can't believe what I've just done... I just slept with Taylor Swift... I cheated on my girlfriend and now I'm going to ask her for her hand in marriage. I ran my fingers through my hair as I lifted the hotel which Taylor was staying at. There was no papz anywhere. I jumped into the car I hired and drove quickly back to the lake. 
I felt physically sick about what I had done. 

When I got to the lake, I took my phone out and block Taylor's number then rang Melody's mum. 
"Heya, it's Harry."
"Oh hi sweetie! you ok?"
"Yeah. Ermm, you know I told you I was going to ask Melody to marry me some point this month?"
"Yes I remember."
"Well I'm doing it today and I just thought I should tell you that I'm doing it in literally five minutes."
"Aww! Ok!" I could hear her sniffing like she was going to cry. "Go make my baby girl happy!" She hung up on me and I got out of the car. 

Dark grey clouds where covering the far part of the sky. I saw a silhouette which respembled the one she watched yesterday night when he was on the phone to that girl... I put my iphone in my pocket before running down the slope and across the grass as I passed her I grabbed hold of her hand. She screamed in shock before she realised it was me.

Melody's P.O.V.

"HARRY!!!" I screamed as he pulled me down to the wooden dock on the lake. He laughed but didn't talk. He flashed me one of his cheek smiles.
"Here." A little wooden boat floated on the blue water. I felt like I was in a scene from the Notebook, which is one of my all time favourite movies! As well as Harry's. We always talked about the scene which I feel like I'm in. When Norah and Ali met again and they go on the boat and Norah rows the boat into where all the ducks or swans (I can never remember) sat on the water. 
Harry got down into the boat and placed his large strong hands on my tiny waist, picking me up easily, placing me down into the boat with him as he did so his lips touched the tip of my nose. 
"Shh!" He snapped jokely as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. We both sat down in the boat, my eyes watched his finger scrolling through something on his phone. "Ah!" He said suddenly, clicking on the screen making music fill the air around us. The first song was Video Games by Lana Del Rey. I picked up his phone which he quickly snatched back off me. "I made a playlist ok!" He turned the volume up with a grumpy baby face on. "That's so cute." I smiled changing Harry's expression. 
"I love you."
"I love you too." I replied lending across to kiss Harry who met me in the middle.
"Now. Let's go." He said picking up the paddles. 

It took us half an hour to get to the place Harry choose us to go. His playlist was almost perfectly in time, it finished a song as soon as we took this little island which is in the middle of the lake with a willow tree cover most of it. 
As Harry held apart the branches for me to get under the tree our sound came on, 'wake-up' by the lovely Ed Sheeran played. Under the tree was truly breath takingly beautiful. Little tea lights were placed around the stump of the tree and dotted around the grass. I felt like I was in a fairy tail, or a movie or a book. "Harry? Am I dreaming?" 
I walked forward to see mine and his name craved into the tree in a heart. "Melon?"
"Aha?" I said as I turned around to see Harry on one knee with a black small ring box in his hand with the rain finally broke from the clouds pouring in the background behind him. My heart skipped a beat. 
"Melody, I know our love wasn't built up as normal relationships do but ours is so specail and good that no one can take you away from me or our little baby girl. Losing you would kill me," A tear rolled down my cheek and his eyes were welling up, "I'm really hoping those are happy tears because I love you and I won't you to be mine forever and ever and ever. Can you be my Ali? Will you marry me, Melody?" 
With my hand on my heart my head nodded and a smile from ear to ear was planted on my face, tears of joy fell down my faces and I said "Yes! YES! YES AND YES!" I screamed as I walked towards Harry who slipped the amazing diamond ring on to my finger. I wrapped my arms around his neck hugging his tightly. "You've made me the happiest girl in history!" I stopped hugging his with my arms lose around his neck I looked at his face, "baby, are you crying?" I asked, 
"I just fucking love you so much!" He sobbed. "Oh Harry." I chuckled slightly through my own tears before pecking him on the lips and whipping away his tears. 

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