Chapter Twenty-One

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I woke up to a faint smell of Harry’s cologne which was still lingering on his skin from the day before. That night I didn’t dream, the nightmare didn’t come to haunt me. Thank God.  I lifted my head up to see if Harry was awake, which he wasn’t. He was fast asleep with his arm wrapped around my shoulders, how I remember them as I fell asleep last night. I thought about how nice this was; no baby to worry about for a day. The whole day just Harry and myself. We could just lounge around all day, lay in. Or, we could go out for the day. Go shopping for Christmas presents but to be honest, I really don’t feel like that. 

I closed my eyes again snuggling back into Harry's warm body. 

I felt myself drifting off when one of Harry's arms, "Baby you awake?" I nodded flicking my eyelids open, I looked up at Harry face and the moved hand rubbing his eye, "did you sleep ok?" I smiled stretching "yep, did you?" He now it was his turn to nod his head "I have a plan for the day. We can lie in all day till around 3, Mum will take you and Harmony Christmas shopping and I'll make you a lovely dinner while mum and Joe go out and Harmony sleeps." Then Harry's phone started to ring again. Harry reached over to the bedside cabinet "Hello?" 

"I can't go!" I sat up next to him; he put his arm around me and rubbed my shoulder with his thumb. "Paul? I'm spending time with my girlfriend and-" He looked at me "and Family..." Harry hadn't told 'Paul' who must be One Direction's manager or something about Harmony? "I can't go- but- whatever- FINE!” Harry shouted into the phone just before cutting the phone call off. Harry grabbed the cover, pulling it over his head. “What’s up baby?” I ran my fingers through curly locks which weren’t covered by the blanket. “Paul is making me go to Leeds…” He pulled the cover away from his face throwing his arms down and crossing the across his chest. “Not fair…” Harry whined. I thought I should be upbeat about it, even though I am sad he has to go, it’s his job. “It’s only like and one and a half away, it’s not too far.” Harry sat up a little “perhaps you could come?” I shock my head, “no, I have to look after Harmony and I could get to know your mum more.” Harry pouted as he shuffled back down into the pillows and thick cover. I stayed sitting up, playing with his curls as I know he likes it. However the pout stayed on his lips. “When do you have to go?” “Tomorrow Morning…” “And how long are you staying?” “3 or 4 days…” He was sulking like Harmony. “It isn’t that long is it? It might help us; you know when you go away for 3 weeks and in the future when you’re on tour 3 or 4 months. Perhaps it’s good for us!” I tried to smile but I know how much I will miss him when it comes to the tours. Harry just looked at me. His eyes read my feelings, I know he knows I’m sad inside but I don’t want to show it. “Cuddle?” He simply says. I nodded with a little smile. I moved down the bed, putting my head under his chin. “We now have a reason to lie in all day.” He chuckled kissing the top of my head. We spend half the day like Harry planned in bed and on the sofa. I made Harry a fry up as we did the other day but this time no one burnt their hand or the food didn’t end up on the floor. After Breakfast we sat on the sofa with a blanket watching TV with Harry’s cat, Molly, happily laying on Harry’s feet while he laid with his head on my lap as I carried on playing with his hair. About an hour later we swopped places, me lying on his lap as he plays with my hair. As the day pasted by we spoke a lot but did very little, little kisses here and there but most of the day we became coach potatoes (plus a cat). Harry’s P.O.V. “We’re Home!” My Mum called as she opened the front door. “Harmony is-” “Shhh! She’s asleep…” I said in a loud whisper.  “Sorry.” Mum turned around to close the door, “where’s Joe?” “His just booking us a table at that nice restaurant, you know the one?” I nodded “yeah I know the one.” I lifted Melody’s head off my lap, gently putting his head on to a pillow. Molly, my cat, jumped off my feet to curl up into Lodie’s warm body. “Harry love, do you want a cuppa?” My mum asked as I walked into the kitchen, “Yes please.” “Mum?” I said getting two mugs down from a cupboard “Yeah?” She replied turning on the kettle “I have to leave for a few days to Leeds with the boys, band stuff. So tonight I was gonna cook for Lodie but I don’t know what to cook?” My mum walked towards me with a great big cheesy smile on her face. She put her hands on my cheeks “you a romantic aren’t you.” “Muuum…” I whined as she started to kiss my cheek. “Ok! Ok, I just miss my little boy.” Mum rubbed the lipstick off my cheek with her thumb. “I miss you too mum.” I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly. I really do miss life at home. I never have time anymore… I text and ring my mum but I never really see her or Joe anymore. It kind of sounds bad when you think about it, I haven’t got the time for my mum. Maybe that should be my new years resolution: spend time with family. I have to make sure I do, I am a father now, and I need to take time out for her and Melody. “I have the perfect and easy thing you can cook.” My mum’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts. She got a book off a shelf. She didn’t use it much, just the little pieces of paper inside it. It made it ten times thicker then normal and heavier. She pulled out a few pieces of paper, I have to admit now that I’m not the best cook ever… but today I’m going cook the best I can. I feel as if I might be going away for a long time but really I’m only going away for 3 or 4 days. I swear Melody has some sort of spell on me. I’ve never felt this way about a girl so quickly. Or ever! “Harry? Are you listening to me?” I shock my head bringing me back into the real world for the second time, “sorry mummy…” I chuckled “So what am I doing?” My mum talked through the recipe; getting out all the ingredients and how much I needed of each. “Ok so now you know what to do? What are you gonna do about Harmony?” “Well she should be asleep. If not I’ll get the high chair and get her some food to join us.” My mum awed again making my cheeks heat up “shut up.” “I knew you would be a good daddy.”  She paused “but I didn’t except you to be so young, 18! 18, Harry!” I nodded, I understood what she meant. “I really didn’t think I would either.” “Have you had a DNA test?” “No…” “What if- doesn’t matter… just get on with your cooking! Call me if you need help!” She gave me one last kiss on the cheek and left the kitchen, leaving the lipstick printed on my face. I remembered everything my mum told me. Well for about 10 minutes then I just went blank. I had forgotten what the next step was, and what I got to, for a moment I forgot what I was cooking all together, which was a bit of a worry because I couldn’t find the recipe for my meal. Melody’s P.O.V.                                 ~Dream~ I was wondering down a lane, hand in hand with someone. It was night time so I couldn’t see the mans face. The mysterious man dropped his hand from mine, lifting it up to cup my face. “Babe, don’t worry, he’ll never find out.” His voice sounded familiar, “I feel guilty…” I mumbled still not being able to work out any features of this man’s face. “You shouldn’t.” “I don’t want to do this anymore. You and I.  I can’t do this to Harry anymore. You’re his friend, you see him almost as much as I do…” I pushed the man backwards causing his hands to fall from my face. “I can’t believe I even started all this with you. I cheated on him, you cheated on your girlfriend whom you love so dearly but you still kissed me that night. Why did I kiss back? I ask myself that question when I lay next to you after we’ve made love. I-I love Harry… Not you…” My feet start to move away from the scene. I turn my head to say good-bye when the mysterious man’s lips hit into mine. This time I didn’t kiss back, I couldn’t do it to myself or to Harry any longer. I pulled back. The moonlight hit his face. “Zayn…” the man was Zayn Malik! His handsome dark eyes and matching hair shinning in the moonlight’s rays. A tear rolled down my face tickling my skin but no smile or giggle escaped my mouth.                                 ~End of Dream~ I opened my eyes quickly. “Thank god that was a dream.” I whispered to myself as I pulled myself up on the sofa. “Oh hello pussy cat. Haha you’re a pussy.” I joked making me laugh a little. I realised I was talking not just to myself but to a cat. I must be on the road to insanity! I picked up the cat and put her on my lap as I contemplated my dream. Why Zayn? I thought Zayn out of all of them is the one I know the least. He talked about his girlfriend the other day, Perrie? Well he talked about her a LOT! Perhaps that’s would triggered off the dream? I stopped thinking about the dream when I head crushing a banging noises coming from the kitchen. Molly hopped off my lap. I looked out the window which was right across from the sofa. The world was only lit by the lampposts and the full moons rays. It kind of looked like the night in my dream… weird.  I shock my head and stood up as Harry’s voice shouted “FUCK!” I walked over to the kitchen where I saw Harry throwing a pan into the sink. “Baby, is everything ok?” “Go away…” “No. Tell me what’s up?” I ran my hands around his body hugging him as I rested my head on his shoulder “I’ve spent ages trying to make you a lovely meal because I’m going away and I’ve messed it all up…” “It’s ok-” “No I’m not ok Lodie, I w-wanted to make it perfect for you.” His eyes started to well-up, I really hoped he doesn’t cry because it would make me upset, perhaps even cry well I don’t know really, I’ve never seen him sad before.  “It’s really ok. I love you babe. Why don't you order a Chinese huh?” I kissed his neck "ok..." He put his hands on mine. I patted his tummy, "come on, I'll set out the table." 


Hiya Chummies,

Hope your still enjoying the story. 

I know I am ^_^ I love writing this story! 




P.S. Kiss you video came out today woop woop! 

~Aly xoxox


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