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I hum softly as I push my cart around in different aisles, I go into candy aisles because I love candy. I wanted to get some gummy bears but they were on the top shelf, I stand on tippy toes trying to reach them but I was to short. Suddenly a women with brown hair and chocolate brown eyes walks to me "Let me help you sweetheart" she says softly and grabs the gummy bears for me and handing them to me, I blush softly and grab them "Twank you miss" I smile softly. "You're welcome" She smiles softly "What's your name hunny?" She ask me softly, "Y/N L/N, how bout youz?" I smile widely.

She smiles widely "I'm Diane. Diane Sherman", "Twats a pwetty name" I say softly. "Thank you sweetheart. You have a pretty name too" She smiles and caresses my cheek "Would you maybe like to go to the café with me down the street after we are done shopping?" She ask softly and smiles softly. I nod my head quickly "Yes pweasee" She bites her lip and smiles "Okay then let's check out" She walks back to her cart, I smile widely blushing softly as I put the gummy bears in my cart and wait for her. She grabs her cart "Come on sweet girl" She smiles and start walking down the aisle to the checkout.

I follow her quickly as I hum softly, she takes her stuff out the cart onto the checkout stand as I watch her humming softly. "That'll be $12.44" the cashier said softly, he hands him the money and he hands her the change and her bag with her stuff she bought inside "Kay sweetie your turn" I smile softly as I put my items on the stand and the cashier scans the items. "That'll be $11.76" I swipe my card entering my PIN number, I smile softly at the cashier and I grab my bag. "Okay come on then" she smiles softly and hold out her hand out as an invitation for me to take it, I blush hard and take her hand with my sweaty hand "Sowy" I chuckle softly looking down.

"It's okay don't be sorry" she chuckles softly, I bite down on my lip softly and I look up at her blushing deep red. She smiles down at me softly. "What's the name of the café?" I ask softly as we walk out the doors, "Miller's. I think it's a family thing or something" she says softly. I nod my head "Doz youz think me weird?", she stops walking and puts her bag down to lean down and cup my cheeks softly with both of her hands "Don't let anyone ever tell you you're weird princess, okay? No. I don't think you're weird". I nod my head and I blush softly "Otay twank you Diane" I smile softly, "You're welcome sweetie" she kisses my head before taking my hand again and her bag.

I blush deep red as I hold her hand continuing walking, we walk down the almost empty street and we can already see the sign of the café *MILLER'S*. "Have youz ever been here before?" I look up at her with my big E/C eyes, "Do you mean the café or the town sweetheart?" she looks down at me. "Café, sowy" I chuckle softly, "It's okay sweetie" she chuckles "Yes I've been there before, It's very comfortable to work in and the people are very nice and they know me already" she smiles softly. I nod my head "Doz they havez hot cwocolate?", "Yes baby they have hot chocolate" she smiles softly and gives my hand a gentle squeeze. I blush deep red as she calls me baby and I squeeze her hand back gently, the squeeze makes her smile and blush softly "Do you want something else the hot chocolate as well?"

"Um...doz they havez cwocolate muffinz?" I ask softly, "Yes they do" she smiles and bites her lips softly "We will get you a hot chocolate and chocolate muffin then". "Yayyyy" I giggle happily forgetting I was in public, she chuckles a little bit "How old are you sweetie? I completely forgot to ask". "Mez 22, howz bout youz?" I smile softly, "I'm 34" she looks down at me and smiles softly. "Wowz...yourz youngz" I giggle softly, "Do I look older?" she ask jokingly and laughs softly. I shake my head quickly "Noz youz look 27".

"Aw thank you" she smiles widely and gives my hand a squeeze, "Yourz welcome m-Diane" I widen my eyes and I look down at the ground feeling embarrassed. "hey baby it's alright don't be embarrassed" she smiles softly "I'd like you calling me that", "Youz do?" I look up at her giving her puppy eyes. She looks down at me "Of course" she smiles softly.

"But be careful when other people are around because some people think it's weird. I don't understand why but they do" she sighs sadly, "Otay I'll tryz my very berry best" I smile softly. "Good girl"

Mommy Diane🖤Where stories live. Discover now