T͜͡W͜͡E͜͡N͜͡T͜͡Y͜͡ T͜͡H͜͡R͜͡E͜͡E͜͡

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"You liked that baby?"

I nod my head quickly "Absolutely" I chuckle, she licks and bites her lip softly "That's good to hear". I kiss her cheek before turning my attention back to the movie "Watch the movie mommy" I whisper and giggle softly, "Okay baby" she puts her head back onto my shoulder and continues watching. I sigh happily and snuggling onto her "I wove you mommy" I whisper lovingly, "I love you too ba-" a jump scare comes on the screen.. she jerk up in her seat and screams loudly "AAAAAHHHHH MOTHERFUCKER!". I laugh loudly putting my hand on my stomach "O-Oh god" I laugh out, "Its not funny!" she whisper yells and laughs. I laugh more as my nose scrunches up and my stomach starts hurting.

"Baby shhh" she laughs quietly, I take deep breaths trying to calm myself down "Sowy" I whisper. "Its okay" she chuckles, "Mommy you said you were going to give me a new punishment, what is it?" I ask softly as I stare her hair gently. "Do you think this time you can write your lines right?" she whispers softly, "Maybe..." I chuckle softly. "You better do sweetie. Mommy wants to sleep in one bed with you" she pokes out her bottom lip, "Otayy fineeee" I bite her bottom lip softly before letting it go with a pop. She moans softly and smirks.

I giggle "Can I have suckies instead of milk later?" I ask softly giving her puppy eyes, "If you write your lines correct, then yes" she says softly. "Otay me will" I cup her face and I kiss her all over her face.. her forehead.. her cheeks.. her nose.. her chin.. her eyelids.. and her lips, she smiles softly and chuckles. I giggle "What time is it?", "Ehhmmm" she looks on her phone seeing a message from Mary but she swipes it away not wanting to have something to do with her "4:30pm". "When is bedtime?" I ask softly, "We can make it 9pm today" she smiles softly. "Yes!" I whisper yell.

"you're so cute" she smiles and pecks my lips, I peck back "Your cuter mommy". She chuckles and another scare comes on the screen "AHHHHH FUCKING COCKSUCKING ASSHOLE!", "Mommy! Language" I say softly. "Sorry baby" she kisses my cheek "Cant control it sometimes", "What if I was in my little state I would've cursed on accident mommy" I pout. "Sorry baby" she kisses me softly, I kiss back while melting into it and smiling softly. She quickly pushes her tongue into my mouth, I moan and wrap my arms around her neck tightly while pulling her closer to me.

She smirks and tilts her head so she haves more room to kiss me, I sigh softly into the kiss before breaking it and looking into her eyes "Mommy not right now" I giggle softly. "I just wanna kissssss" she kisses me again, I giggle and kiss her back cupping her face. She tilts her head and pushes her tongue back into my mouth, I moan softly giving her the lead as the movie screams in the background. She puts her hand on my waist and squeezes it slightly while kissing me hungrily, I groan softly into the kiss as I start losing air but not that much.

She explores my mouth with her tongue, I moan/groan softly as I let her do whatever she wants. She sucks a little on my tounge and moans a little, I swallow a little of salvia as I moan. "Hey! This is a cinema! Not your bedroom!" a random man says.. she breaks the kiss and laughs down at him "At least I have someone to kiss!" she says back, I giggle and snuggle into you tightly. "Whatever" he turns back around and she snuggles into me as well, "mommy when we go home I have two outfits I wanna try on for you" I whisper. "Okay baby. I'm excited" she smirks and kisses my head.

"You should be" I giggle and blush softly

-time skip: just got home-

She walks inside the house with me "So baby, what did you wanna show me?" she ask excited and smirks, "We have to go in the bedroom first mommy" I giggle and close and lock the door behind us. "Alright baby" she walks towards the bedroom, "I cant wait to get out these hideous clothes" I groan. She turns around and smirks "Let me help you" she rips my shirt open.


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