F͜͡O͜͡R͜͡T͜͡Y͜͡ S͜͡I͜͡X͜͡

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"Whatz aboutz thatz onez daddy?"

I point to a pink dress, "Did you just call me daddy?" she whispers to me. "Youz saidz to callz you everythingz but mommy" I whisper back, "Okay I take that back. Everything but mommy and daddy" she whispers to me. "Otayy" I sigh sadly while poking out my bottom lip, "Okay baby, do you see a dress you like?". "Yezzz, comez" I walk over to the dress "Thisz onez".

 "Yezzz, comez" I walk over to the dress "Thisz onez"

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"Wow baby... it'll look great on you!" she takes it out and hands it to me "Come on, you can try it on" she leads me to the dressing room, I hold the dress while I walk with her to the dressing room.. biting down on my lip softly. "Okay you go baby, I'll wait right in front of the curtain" she says and holds up the curtain to the dressing room for me, I go in and I put the dress on the hook "Otay, you bwetter not weave mez". "I wont baby, I promise" she closes the curtain.

I take off my shoes and put them on the floor before I try taking off my dress but I couldn't "Mommy, can you help me?", "Yes baby, wait up" she opens the curtains and steps in before closing it again "What's wrong?". "Me need help taking off my dwess", "Okay" she takes off my dress "Here you go baby" she slips back out the curtains. I put my dress on the bench and I grab the wedding dress and put it on "Mommy!", "Yes?". "Me need zip zip" I turn my back to the curtains and move my hair out the way, "Okay" she walks back in and zips me up "You look beautiful angel" she smiles at me in the mirror.

"Mez look like princessz?", "Oh yes. A beautiful princess" she smiles and kisses my head. I blush deep red and start poking the top of my vagina again, "Baby stop. I told you" she takes my hand away "You can touch your princess parts at home". "Sowy, it feels wetz and twingly" I whisper, "its okay baby, just wait. Lets change you back into your normal clothes so we can choose my dress, okay baby?" she smiles softly. I nod my head while nibbling on my lip, she zips me back down and takes the dress off carefully before hanging it back on the hook and put my normal clothes back on. "Twank you mama" I grab my shoes and put them on.

"You're welcome baby" she smile softly, I grab the dress off the hook and I grab her hand. "Come on sweetie" she walks out with me and looks for a dress for her, I grab her thumb and I put it in my mouth.. sucking softly as I follow besides her. "Baby stop, not here" she chuckles, I nod my head and continue sucking. "Wait. Wait baby I need my hand, I think I see a dress", I whine and let go of her hand and sucking on my own thumb. She grabs the dress and smiles widely.

 She grabs the dress and smiles widely

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"Mommy that dwess is very pwetty", "Come on, I'll try it on" she takes my hand again and walks back to the dressing room. "Canz me comez in wiff you?", "Yes baby, I dont want to leave you out here anyways" she walks into the dressing room with me and closes the curtain. I sit on the bench and suck softly on my finger after putting my dress down, she undressed and puts her clothes to the side.

I scan her body and I start poking my princess parts again, she turns around "Baby...". "Sowyyyy" I stop and whine as I scooch down on the bench making my dress rise up.. showing my panties again but they were soaked, "Baby what has gotten you so wet?" she whispers softly. I shrug my shoulders while still sucking on my thumb, "Ill take care of you after we've gone home, okay?" she says softly. I nod my head and I sit down on the floor with my back facing her, she puts the dress on "What do you think?" she ask and smiles. I turn around and my eyes widen "Beautiful..." I whisper.

"Then ill take it" she smiles widely and takes the dress back off, I turn back around with my back facing her and I slide my hand up my dress and pull my panties to the slide before sliding two fingers inside me as I still sucked on my thumb. She puts her other clothes back on and looks down on me "Baby!" she whisper yells, I look up at her with my thumb in my mouth as I continued to slowly finger myself. She sighs and picks me up.. sitting me down on the little bench "You have to be very quiet, do you understand?" she whispers, I nod my head still sucking on my thumb. She pulls my panties down and kneels down on the floor before pushing her tongue inside of me.

I moan softly against my thumb while I start sucking on it faster, she moves her tongue faster and rubs my clit with her thumb. I buck my hips against her as I stay quiet as possible, she speeds up her movements. I tighten around her tongue since I was already so horny as I continue sucking on my thumb while I cum hard in her mouth not making a single sound, she sighs against me and swallows my cum before riding out my high. I sigh softly while breathing a little heavily as I slow down on sucking on my thumb and look down at her with my big E/C eyes.

She looks up at me and winks before she backs up off me while licking her lips and pulling my panties back up "Okay baby lets go pay for the dresses and head home" she stands up and holds out her hand, I grab her hand and grab my dress with my other hand "Whenz we goz homez can me pway wiff your princess partz?" I whisper softly. "yes baby" she whispers back and grabs her dress before walking out and to the cashier with me, I walk with her while looking around the store.. I caught some lady looking at me like I was weird since I had a collar and kids dress on but I push it aside and look back at Diane. Diane continues walking and puts both of our dresses on the counter and pays for them.. the cashier puts the dresses carefully in a bag and hands it to Diane "Thank you" Diane takes the bag and holds her arm out for me to link in.

I link my arm with her and I look back at the lady.. she was still looking at me but looks away when she was caught again.. I look away from her, "You okay sweetie?" she looks back and sees the lady "Do you know her?" she whispers to me. I shake my head and put my thumb back in my mouth, "What did she do?" she whispers and look down at me. "She keepz lookingz at mez like mez weirdz, am me weirdz mommy?" I look up at her while whispering, "No baby, your not weird" she whispers and looks at the lady and let me tell you.. if looks could kill the lady would be dead. The lady walks in the other direction "mommy comez" I whisper and pull on her arm.

"Yeah lets go home baby" she links her arm with mines again and walks to the car with me, "Canz me sit in lapz?" I ask softly. "Sure baby" she puts the bag in the back seat and picks me up before sitting In the driver seat and putting me in her lap, I wrap my arms around her tightly as I dangle my feet. She starts the car and starts to drive home, I sigh softly while putting my head on her shoulder.. I look down at her breast and I start poking her boob. She moans surprised "Baby what are you doing?" she drives back into the forest street of our house, "Pokey Pokey" I continue poking her boob. "Mmhh baby stop poking please".

"Whyyyyyyy???" I whine, "Because its making mommy horny". "Otay" I stop poking, "Thank you baby" she continues driving. I put my tongue on her neck but not moving it.

"B-Baby what are you doing?"

Mommy Diane🖤Where stories live. Discover now