T͜͡W͜͡E͜͡N͜͡T͜͡Y͜͡ S͜͡I͜͡X͜͡

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"What's wrong baby?"

"Whenz do you havez to go back homez?" I ask sadly while poking out my bottom lip sadly, "When my clothes run out and I have to get new ones" she chuckles softly, "Well whatz about me wive with youz in your wouse mommy?", "Oh?! You want live in my house?" she ask surprised.

I shrug my shoulders "If youz want... orz you can wive wiff me inz my wouse", "I'd like both" she smiles softly. "Mommy youz have to pick onez" I pout softly, "Mhhhh......" she thinks "My house? Maybe... I dont know" she whines. "Otay just thinkz aboutz it mommy" I say softly and I go back down bringing her nipple back in my mouth, "I will bunny" she plays with my hair and sighs softly. I watch the movie and I look at the clock reading '8:30pm'.. I sigh sadly and I let go of her nipple pulling up her bra cup, "You done sweetie" she ask and strokes my hair. I nod my head as I yawn and rub my eyes sleepily.

"Its okay baby girl, lets go to sleep early I'm sleepy too" she turns the tv off and turns the lights off as well, "waitz mommy" I giggle softly. "What baby?" she ask sleepily, "Me dont want to sweep in robe" I pout and stand up turning the light back on and going over to my closet.. opening it. "Okay but hurry" she closes her eyes and drift off to sleep, "Okay" I take my robe off and put on my outfit and I grab a pacifier. She sleeps and starts to snore softly.

 She sleeps and starts to snore softly

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I close the closet and I turn off the light going back under the covers and I put the pacifier in my mouth and I snuggle onto her while sucking softly as I close my eyes, she turns us in her sleep and starts to spoon me and hold me tight to her body

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I close the closet and I turn off the light going back under the covers and I put the pacifier in my mouth and I snuggle onto her while sucking softly as I close my eyes, she turns us in her sleep and starts to spoon me and hold me tight to her body. I sigh happily as I start drifting off melting into her touch as I snore softly.

-Time skip: 7am-

I groan sleepily while moving around slightly and rubbing my eyes as I yawn, she snores and pulls me closer to her while sleepily. "mommy up up" I poke her arm softly, she snores and sleeps.

I kiss her lips softly, she smiles and kisses me back while she still sleeps. I giggle and flip us over so I'm straddling her hips, she groans and turns around on her side. I start jumping on her softly "Get. Up" I said between jumps, she wakes up and furrows her eyebrows together "Baby what are you doing?" she mumbles sleepily. "Mommy up up" I pout and continue jumping on her softly, "Baby stop jumping" she whines. I whine and stop jumping, "Thank you" she drifts back to sleep.

"Mommy" I whine and pull on her arm, she pulls me down in her arms and lays down on top of me after she flipped us over and continues to sleep on top of me. "Mommy get off" I pout and try to push her off of me, "Baby lets continue sleeping" she mumbles. "Owwy!" I whine and I start crying softly, she shots up "Oh my god, did I hurt you?!". I shake my head "Me cheek hurtz mommy" I sniffle and wipe my tears harshly, she looks at me sadly and softly places a kiss on my cheek. I blush deep red "Twank you mama", "You're welcome sweetie" she lays back down on my chest.

"Doz youz like me outfit mommy?", she looks at my outfit sleepily and smiles before laying back down "Yes I like it a lot". "Me put it on allllll by me self mommy" I say proudly, "M proud 'f you" she says half asleep. "Mommy to go sweep" I push her off me softly and I stand up, she sleeps back in.

I walk to the door and I open it and walk out before closing the door behind me.. I walk to the kitchen and I grab a stool and I stand on it as I open the cabinet and take out some cereal... I get off the stool and I grab a bowl.. spoon and milk, I pour the cereal in the bowl and then the milk and I put my spoon in the bowl.. I put back the milk and cereal and I grab my bowl of cereal as the door bell rings.. I put my bowl back down and I go over to the door and open it seeing Cherry with red puffy eyes and tear stained face.

"Hi Y/N/N..."

Mommy Diane🖤Where stories live. Discover now